

5 year old buck +
Anyone have any input on this 2nd leaf galarina? Puts out a lot of upward growth. Will this be an issue over time and do I need to try to get a better shape here? Appreciate any input. IMG_1441.JPG
We have several Galarina's at camp in the 2 year category. Many trees have branch structure that goes more upward naturally. We have to train those limbs to grow more outward so they have stronger branch angles. It's easiest to do that by using clothes pins early on as branches just start to sprout. It can be done later ( but not too late !! ) by using limb weights, limb spreaders, or tying them down with large dia. soft wire in a way that won't "bite into" the limbs. Some varieties just grow great branch angles naturally - they make life easier !!

If you want your lowest limbs above 5 ft., I'd prune off the lowest limbs next late February or March and concentrate on training the higher limbs to better branch angles using one of the above methods. That's what I've done at camp & so far - so good. There's no harm letting those lower limbs on for now - they just provide more leaf surface to aid growth
That’s a great looking 2nd leaf!
Holy smokes! I'd be almost embarrassed to show any of my 2nd year trees. Very nice growth

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Holy smokes! I'd be almost embarrassed to show any of my 2nd year trees. Very nice growth

Ya what he said... if your getting that much growth out of a year and a half old tree (first pic) I want some of that tree! Good looking trees nice lateral branching - you got some to work with thats a good thing on a rapid growth tree.... im guessing you can lose some of those lower limbs. How tall is the first one and where are you buying your longer fiber glass stakes - tallest sm dia I can buy around here is only 4 foot.

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They came really nice from ACN for spring 2017 planting and took off pretty good. They also get a lot of care here because it's my "home" orchard.

The ones I planted this year from ACN and turkey creek are doing really well too.

My stakes are 10ft conduit probably 1 foot into the ground.

Here's a picture of that galarina in July of 17, I planted it early April 17IMG_6797.JPG
Is anybody having luck growing Galarina in 4a? That's where I am and grafted quite a few this spring. Man they are a good grower, comparable to Liberty!
My Galarina planted two years ago was doing well then went lights out overnight DOA. I'm thinking juglone root poisoning from a walnut tree cut down a few years ago.
^^^^ Ouch.
My Galarina planted two years ago was doing well then went lights out overnight DOA. I'm thinking juglone root poisoning from a walnut tree cut down a few years ago.

What symptoms did the tree display? Did the leaves just turn brown, curl up and the tree die? I don't know that I would blame the old walnut tree, I have had several apple trees just mysteriously die over the past couple of summers that I am sure were not caused by walnuts or fireblight. Thankfully not in my main orchard.
What symptoms did the tree display? Did the leaves just turn brown, curl up and the tree die? I don't know that I would blame the old walnut tree, I have had several apple trees just mysteriously die over the past couple of summers that I am sure were not caused by walnuts or fireblight. Thankfully not in my main orchard.

Leaves started going completely yellow first then curled up and croaked. The walnut I had cut down was around thirty feet away and the trunk was a little bigger than the steering wheel of my truck. I thought the walnut had been dead long enough but since have read that juglone can stay in dirt for a few years or more.
I gave the galarina some pruning this weekend, I think I did ok. 53733551-2C16-4203-AE7B-5EA8F9DEB7AD.jpeg
I was definitely considering that too, I might end up doing that. Eventually it’s coming off so why not now I guess
I can't tell for sure from the pic, but if the top 2 limbs ( facing left with spreaders ) are more or less "stacked" vertically, I'd prune off the lower one. It looks more aggressive and it may compete with the leader. Plus it would give you more space between scaffolds. I'd also put a spreader on the limb that comes off the leader where the black tie strap is to get a wider angle on it.

Your being close to ACN makes life pretty nice there. They have great trees. We have a number of them growing at camp.
Like Bows suggested, i'd probably prune that limb off. I've starting pruning more aggressively, taking off now what i figure i'll end up cutting off in a year or two. Not positive it's the right approach. Smaller wound now vs. less leaves this year.
Guys, a different angle on the top of the tree. Still say remove that limb?B8EE2539-7DD9-405D-99DB-1E31033FDE7F.jpeg
Imagine if they were 3" in diameter. Do you think they would be too close together then? My guess is yes.
On paper, the Galarina looks ideal for wildlife planting. I planted this one this one last fall at the camp. Comparing the two, I can see the tree is going to want to grow straight up without some pruning / branch spreading intervention. I hope mine look as good as yours next year.
2018 10-16 (planting day).jpg