Fruit trees for dove hunting

g squared 23

5 year old buck +
Ok so the title is misleading, I’m not feeding doves fruit, I’m looking to feed myself while dove hunting. I just bought a small property that I’ll put a cabin on, should have a few acres of sunflowers for the doves, and half an acre of fruit trees for me. I’ll love to pick an apple on the way to my bucket and munch on it while I’m waiting for birds.

So the question: what are the best fruit trees strictly for fresh eating that ripen from August 15 to September 15? No sauce, no cider, don’t have to be keepers. Not just apples or pears, I’d be willing to try other types for a change of pace. Probably can spray the trees twice a year.
I have Trailman Crab, Chestnut Crab, Pristine and Redfree that ripen in that time frame that I consider great eating. Last season was my first crop of Trailman and I couldn't get enough! I'd look at peaches and nectarines too, I have several just not yet producing.
For early small game hunting and late summer trail cameras I am planting mulberry. Tough tree, birds and squirrels are all over the thing in august. I grafted a few northrup scions ontop common red mulberry. It's from a tree that lived on ny NY / canada border. Zone 3 hardy. There's also more human palatable varieties. Grape vines are also good to add, Good for field edges.

mulberry is easy to collect seed and grow from seed. Hit or miss with some birds on cherry trees. Promoting raspberries and currants are good too. I thought turkey creek had a sale on them earlier last year, or had a tighter ordering window to get a wholesale order together.

I m planting one or two at home to make scion material for more up north. Might be a few years before I get seeds from the grafted trees. Here in NY, it would be an easy plant to find and transplant too.

I know the grouse here in NY are very interested in birch catkins in sept/october timeframe in the adirondacks. Dogs is circling trees, and sometimes the grouse just sit n watch from above.

Never bought anything from etsy, but these look like a good price. I paid $10 for pink to ring finger sized red mulberry from mehrabyan this year. Only bought a few to get started. Will be collecting mulberry seeds and try to grow a few. Might locate some around my brush edges at home to transplant this fall.

I started in apple trees with torringo crabapple. They are tiny, like bean sized. The tree itself is a natural dwarf, ,but would make a very itneresting larger tree, if it would get larger on rootstocks. I put a dolgo scion on one of mine, it took from last year. So, its likely graftable.
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