Fruit tree planting


5 year old buck +
The big box store fruit trees don't tell you what root stock so if you plant it below the graph Union will it automatically be standard regardless of the variety of Apple...thanks
The big box store fruit trees don't tell you what root stock so if you plant it below the graph Union will it automatically be standard regardless of the variety of Apple...thanks
Same question for Callaway crabapple I don't see a graft Union but would like to plant it deeper for more roots thanks
The big box store fruit trees don't tell you what root stock so if you plant it below the graph Union will it automatically be standard regardless of the variety of Apple...thanks

Not if the apple is a natural dwarf.

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Not if the apple is a natural dwarf.

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thanks for your reply I tried to research natural dwarfs varieties but could not come up with anything is there a large blisters or just a few thanks
Burying the graft union with a dwarfing stock should produce a larger tree than not burying the union. For a larger semi-dwarf, it may not make much of a difference but won't hurt as long as the rootstock isn't buried too deep.

To Sandbur's point, standard or full size is based on the variety's potential. A natural dwarf (low vigor) variety will still make a small tree on standard/full-size rootstocks. For such a tree, burying the graft union won't help or hurt. If it were on a dwarfing rootstock, buring the graft union probably helps a little but it still will be a small mature tree.
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Burying the graft union with a dwarfing stock should produce a larger tree than not burying the union. For a larger semi-dwarf, it may not make much of a difference but won't hurt as long as the rootstock isn't buried too deep.

To Sandbur's point, standard or full size is based on the variety's potential. A natural dwarf (low vigor) variety will still make a small tree on standard/full-size rootstocks. For such a tree, burying the graft union won't help or hurt. If it were on a dwarfing rootstock, buring the graft union probably helps a little but it still will be a small mature tree.
Got it thank you very much for the explanation!
Is there two different varieties of Callaway crabapple... The ones I purchased say on the tag they are for flowering and give berries for wildlife but when I read up on them it said they give inch and a half to 2-inch fruit.. thanks