Frost seeding 2020

Not sure, I put my 50 lbs of
gallant out yesterday, boy that stuff never goes as far as you wish. Might be hitting up the Growmark nearest me for some
Charger brand red clover, seems persistant, and resistant. I don't want to blow another 25 bux on shipping, I can hit gromark and then club property in same trip, only add about 20 miles to the day.
i overseeded some of my WINA clover saturday. Took my boys with me and ended up eating breakfast at a dive diner... It was a good morning.
Our Balansa from this past fall was a flop. The Durana looks great. Will be slinging my leftover Balansa this weekend.
Where in GA are you. My place is outside of Lexington
Morgan, Hancock, and Jackson counties. Live in Gwinnett. Unfortunately plans changed and I did not get the remainder of my Balansa out this weekend. Hope to do that this coming weekend.
Used to hunt down in Hancock. I'm at the Oglethorpe/Wilkes line
Just got hime, was down tossin seed. spread the last of my red from last fall. Spread it on two plots that were thin on clover, but too thick to give up on. saw about 30 deer in an hour and a half, no sign of sheds this trip. When I walked up the sidewalk i see UPS dropped off my order from Merrit seed! A majority of that will go down this weekend, 3 plots need a mow and spray till dead treatment to rid the foxtail.
Are your fields already greening up?
plots of clover are greening, but the mow was to knock down last years foxtail grasses so it is easier to get better spray contact when I gly it in a few weeks. had 2 plots get away from me last year that are out of control foxtail. Mowed one yesterday, then an electrical gremlin got me and could not mow the second spot.
Geez. I have 8 -10" of snow and I have had a couple 40-50 degree days.
haven't had any snow cover for over a month, 8 weeks? talking NJ here, NY property just melted out this week./