Front snowblower on tractor

26hp may have a bit of trouble if you have to blow uphill.

Buy a rear one for a few hundred, dont like it, sell it. Front is much better though. Used both. Buy s snowmobile helmet if you get a rear one, or get one anyway. Makes being out there much better if you dont have a cab.
That is one thing about a blower......if you dont have a better dress for the eventual snow showers your going to get. Rear mount is definitely worse.....bit it happens with the front mounts too. My dad used to manufacture snow blowers for tractors.....and I spent allot of seat time with those machines. Few had cabs back then as compared to today. Cabs were a real luxury buck in the day. Open station, with high winds and snow blowers can be exciting at times. You learn pretty quickly about controlling that chute. Grin.
Luckily no hills, just about a 100 yard long driveway with a 90 degree turn. I think I am going to go with the rear one for $700, just because it is 1/10 the price. It wont be until next season before I get it, because the guy that has it ordered a bigger tractor, with a bigger snow blower, and the bigger snow blower wont be in until spring.

We got another 6 inches of snow last night, so I went out to plow, I just spent 2 hours widening my driveway, pushing back banks with the loader, then plowing with the rear blade. The rear blade does a great job, until the snow piles up to about 2 times the hieght of the blade, then it no longer pushes it over, it just goes up and over the blade. A snow blower would have made easy work of it.

But I am sure it will be like any other equipment I buy, heavy snow year, so I prepare for next year, then the next few years we wont get much snow. Happened every year I ordered a new snowmobile, or a permanent ice shack, after I buy it, warm winters, cant use it, or early heavy snow, and doesnt make enough ice to use it. I sell it, then bam, coldest winters in decades.

But so far, I am pretty happy I installed an outdoor wood boiler this spring. I havent filled my propane tank since last February, and I am still at 40%. The last few years I would go through 5 tanks a year.
I wish some manufacturer would design and build a ridable snowblower for residential neighborhood areas where sidewalks and paved driveways are the norm. Most of the people in our neighborhood are older and have a number of physical impairments. Life would be MUCH easier in the event of 8" or more of snow. Something around 30" wide that's easily maneuverable would sell like hotcakes, I'd bet.