Found me a new stand - somebody even put it in a tree for me!

In Indiana a hunter must have proof of written permission to hunt on any private land. As far as following up with the law, I figure that will be the next step in escalation. The landowner I talked to was not directly at fault so getting in his face about it wasn't going to send the message I wanted. If the stand persists I will remove it. If it continues beyond that point then I will get a little more aggressive in making my point with the violator. I will also follow up with my CO friend and see what I need to do to ensure any charges brought up will stick. Maybe I'm being a little soft, but again building tension with my neighbor isn't a good option, but he also knows me well enough that I will push it further if I need to and I hope he communicates that to the hunter involved.
I've gotten permission to hunt on posted land several times over the years. All I did was stop at the landowner's place and ask. They were surprised that I asked, saying that was the reason they posted in the first place - because people would just enter the property like they owned it and never ask. I was given permission because I stopped to ask first. It's just the right thing to do. I wouldn't want someone just helping themselves to MY land, so why would I do it to another person? If I came up to New Hampshire, I'd still stop and ask before entering someone's property. Wouldn't ALL of us want to be treated with respect?
j-bird, you handled the situation correctly and I doubt you will have future issues with this same person. Throwing fire at fire is not always the answer and many times makes things much worse.
NH - I am not sure exactly how non-hunters are concerned is handled. I am fairly certain the property does't haveto be posted - I am pretty sure they place that responsability on the indiviudal (hunter/walker/meth head). I do know that 99% of Indiana is private ground and as such the laws tend to favor the protection of it. That is why I need to get an enforcable understaning of tresspass and the like is concerned from my CO. Lots of ground isn't posted in my state so I am not sure it is required, like I said in many cases posting simply attracts attention. I do not know at this time if posting the property gives me any true legal leverage/advantage.
north stand gone.jpg
Well - here is proof that having good relations with neighbors is a good thing. Went out today to see if the stand had been removed - this is the same tree and the stand is gone. Peaceful resolution and no hard feelings.