Found me a new stand - somebody even put it in a tree for me!


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While out today looking for my buck I found a stand - ON MY PROPERTY that I didn't put there. I think a neighbor put it up - we get along so I will talk to them and see if it is theirs. If it isn't - I will check with the other neighbor - we get along as well. In either case it's coming down tomorrow - and will be at my house. Part of me wants to place a note in a Ziploc bag to the tree and see who has the balls to call about it!
If you post your land, you could put up a posted signs on that tree.
I don't post my land - I typically don't have issues like this - it is more than likely the neighbor kid getting a little over-zealous. I will work it out if it is one of the neighbors (and I think it is) - if it isn't I like sending a message. I prefer to only be a dick if I have to - working with neighbors is a 2 way street (I just had to cross the line to recover a deer - so tact is the best option). I had a guy using and improving an old wood stand once. I took care of that with an axe - cut the thing down and left it in a pile at the base of the tree - he got the point.
It's a good idea to talk first. If not the neighbors, take it down and hang cam or 3 and see who comes looking for it.
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j-bird…I did just that last year. In 2012 I found a stand on my property that had a pile of apples and a salt block underneath it. I called the game wardens and they came and took some pics and did an investigation. But before anything happened the stand was taken down. I found the same stand last year about 100 yards from where it was in 2012. I took it down and left a note with my phone number. The day before bow season this year up pulls one of my neighbors and he asks me if I have his stand. I said "You mean the one I found on private property with the illegal bait pile?" He said "I never bait!" I responded "Well, it must not be your stand then." After a bit of arguing back and forth I finally told him that the game wardens had pictures of the stand with the bait pile and I'd be happy to call them back so he could discuss the situation with them. That shut him up real quick.
Not a terrible solution, but that neighbor will be way less likely to allow you to track a wounded deer across his property. Not saying he had any right to be on your side of the line in the first place, because he did not, but I can also see j-bird's point of view as well. It can be a hard line to walk.
I have and would take the stand and not say a dam thing. And keep taking them, until he gets the fricken hint! It works and with no arguing.
I have and would take the stand and not say a dam thing. And keep taking them, until he gets the fricken hint! It works and with no arguing.
That's what I have done with the few I find on the property once in a while. I just store them under the shed and if somebody calls to claim them I would just make a time and have the law there at the same time. Nobody has ever called!!! I figure it's way more expensive this way than a trespass ticket so I just take them home.
I have and would take the stand and not say a dam thing. And keep taking them, until he gets the fricken hint! It works and with no arguing.

Yeah, I know. I definitely didn't enjoy the argument. But I didn't know who was trespassing and baiting and I wanted it to end. I didn't want to keep chasing stands. I'm not on a massive acreage. This guy was sitting within a few hundred yards of some of my best stands. And as a school teacher, I can only hunt afternoons. For all I knew this guy could have been hunting every AM, blowing out the area, and ruining my season. There were 3 guys who I suspected. My noted mentioned the baiting and trespassing and that game wardens had visited the site. I thought this was the best way to go to send the message. Again, I didn't want to risk another season of chasing stands. The argument sucked. But he won't be back.
In Missouri the CO said it is legal to take the stand, so that is what I do! I just put them back up on another property, and enjoy the free stand!:D

But don't get me wrong I would love to have someone argue with me about how they figured trespassing on my property and put up a stand was ok! Would love to see how they like the outcome of that! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
I'm glad to have the neighbors I have. :)
Talked to the neighbor who I suspected and it's someone that they allow to hunt. The hunter doesn't hunt often and doesn't know exactly where the line is. I know that is something they should know, but I am more in favor of a peaceful resolution vs getting all up in someone's face. They are cool and I simply asked for it to be removed. I am sure they will hold up their end - if they don't I will take it down and take it to the land owner. IF I have further issues I will get progressively shittier! I prefer the cooperative route first. So far so good.
Talked to the neighbor who I suspected and it's someone that they allow to hunt. The hunter doesn't hunt often and doesn't know exactly where the line is. I know that is something they should know, but I am more in favor of a peaceful resolution vs getting all up in someone's face. They are cool and I simply asked for it to be removed. I am sure they will hold up their end - if they don't I will take it down and take it to the land owner. IF I have further issues I will get progressively shittier! I prefer the cooperative route first. So far so good.

If that is all true, posting your land would keep someone from making an honest mistake.
If that is all true, posting your land would keep someone from making an honest mistake.

Honest Mistake? Maybe, but I am 99% sure it wasn't.
Any case - addressing it in a civil manner is the route for me at this point - I may post it, but I have found it doesn't stop people and the law here is so wishy-washy prosecuting is a waste of time. If anything it almost attracts attention. My best course of action if it gets to that point is have my CO scare the crap out of them. I have a good relationship with my CO, so I am sure he can lend a hand if needed.
Talked to the neighbor who I suspected and it's someone that they allow to hunt. The hunter doesn't hunt often and doesn't know exactly where the line is. I know that is something they should know, but I am more in favor of a peaceful resolution vs getting all up in someone's face. They are cool and I simply asked for it to be removed. I am sure they will hold up their end - if they don't I will take it down and take it to the land owner. IF I have further issues I will get progressively shittier! I prefer the cooperative route first. So far so good.
Good move to begin with.
I had a similar situation last fall where a great neighbor let some acquaintenances hunt. They hunted his land for pheasants and all of my land besides. He realized they had gone too far when they talked about a corn foodplot, jumping a buck in the woods, and the other township road. Hasn't happened since. No pheasants to hunt this year anyway. My neighbor called me about it.
Jbird, I wouldn't call anything one does to protect what they have worked so hard to create, build, or get, shitty. You are going about it the right way. However in my opinion getting the law/co involved and not following through is wasting everyone's time. If he is a friend then this may be no problem but in conversations I've had with co's after hunter ed meetings in private, they hate being called to enforce something a landowner wants done(tresspassing, hunting without permission etc. and then the landowner doesn't follow through with their end of the deal. They said they don't really rush right to that landowner the next time they call. I am with them 100% on that train of thought.
In Oklahoma if you are hunting on private land you must have written permission from the landowner with you. Doesn't matter if it is not posted...
In New Hampshire hunters have open access to all private land unless the land is posted. They can hang stands on unposted land as long as the stand does not damage the tree and they do no cutting. They don't even have to label the stands. There is no law that says when the stands have to be removed either. They can do this within the law. They have to leave the property if asked. If a landowner takes a stand. they could be charged with theft if they don't give it back. Kind of backwards.

WOW, that is F'd up.
In New Hampshire hunters have open access to all private land unless the land is posted. They can hang stands on unposted land as long as the stand does not damage the tree and they do no cutting. They don't even have to label the stands. There is no law that says when the stands have to be removed either. They can do this within the law. They have to leave the property if asked. If a landowner takes a stand. they could be charged with theft if they don't give it back. Kind of backwards.

That's crazy. Didn't know that about NH. As a result, do most people therefore post their land would you say?