For those of you who have sold a home or recently bought one?

The one I liked the best actually texted my wife today to tell us that he might already have a buyer eventhough we havent signed a contract with him. I told my wife that if that is the case he should just give us the guys name and in exchange we will pay him "x" if the deal goes through.

She asked him if he would negotiate commission and he said he wouldnt if we do sign him because of MLS. If someone else sells it there isnt enough skin in the game for him.

Sounds like you are already negotiating ... thats good ... :emoji_wink:

I wouldn't bite on what he is telling you without proof. Sounds like he is trying to lock you into an exclusive full commission quick sale without any work. You have no evidence that he has a real or qualified buyer. Anyone can make an offer, issue is can they get financing and what contingencies will they have? Or maybe he has a legitimate buyer, you still have no evidence.

Don't worry about the potential buyer he has. The minute you sign a listing contract with any realtor, your listing will be on every internet real estate site (Zillow,, etc.) within 24 hrs. The buyer will find you if they are really interested.

I would go back to him a say you are interested, and you would consider an exclusive one time sale agreement with a qualified/named buyer, but you need proof of their qualifications.
  • You want full asking price offer. State that you have the right to accept an offer at higher price with same terms below.
  • Offer needs to be cash with no financing contingency. Buyer will have 5 days to show proof of funds from his bank.
  • You state acceptable contingencies - Home inspection, septic, survey, etc. with 20 days to waive contingencies or walk.
  • 30 day close.
  • You will agree to pay xx (%) commission. I would knock 20-30% off his standard commission. This way he still comes out ahead as there is no co-broke and he has no expenses incurred.
  • 5% earnest money held in escrow with offer. Make it non refundable after the inspection period if he does not walk.
Tell him he is the lead dog at this point and has 48 hours to present an offer and he can add whatever wording he wants to protect his commission. Don't worry about the above scaring off the buyer, if they are real, they will probably either accept or counter with adjustments. You could have your attorney review the offer before signing.

Good luck!
Market is crazy in my area right now. Average listing accepts a offer in 17 hours right now. Normally I'd say try to sell on your own first but with current market conditions that realator is cheap! Plus they'll likely have buyers on hand waiting to write offers

Pods are your best friend. Clean the excess stuff out and have them store the pod until your new home is ready. Avoiding hauling things twice is worth every penny

I only know the market based on realator calling us constantly to quick roof a house so buyers bank would approve loan. 7 roofs this month for that reason, usually it's one a month for home sale reasons.

I'd sell my house today and rent until market falls again. However I have to much crap to move so I'm here till I die.

Strike while the irons hot, this won't last forever... every day it smells more and more like 2007 and we all know what happened the following year. Only reason I've got time to look on here again is the 100 degree temps earned the guys a couple days off
Renters moved out and we just put the house on the market this week. Nobody want to live in a small town in the middle of KS deer country thougb so it's a slow market. Hope to get some bites soon!

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Renters moved out and we just put the house on the market this week. Nobody want to live in a small town in the middle of KS deer country thougb so it's a slow market. Hope to get some bites soon!

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Too bad it wasnt on a couple of 100 acres ..... I am getting out of small town living. I like the sound of the "middle of KS deer country". I would include that in your listing!

Gave it a week of spreading the word on our own and didnt get any solid interest so we (as in the wife wanted to) went with a realtor, first showing was yesterday. Isnt even on the realtor's website yet. We will see how things go the next week.
Renters moved out and we just put the house on the market this week. Nobody want to live in a small town in the middle of KS deer country thougb so it's a slow market. Hope to get some bites soon!

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Took us 8 months I believe and we lost money with the improvements and that is with 16k acres public within 5 min.
Remember that if you are selling in a hot market, you are probably buying in an over priced market. Make sure whatever equity you pull out of your home you don't lose on an over priced new purchase.

Wife and I were looking to downsize into a condo but have stopped looking. That market is over priced now and I don't think those values will hold up 10 years from now, at the minimum most likely no growth in value. If you put any $$ into upgrading interior, you could end up losing money. Some of the newer ones we looked at were $700-$750k without the lower level finished ... pretty crazy.
Remember that if you are selling in a hot market, you are probably buying in an over priced market. Make sure whatever equity you pull out of your home you don't lose on an over priced new purchase.

Wife and I were looking to downsize into a condo but have stopped looking. That market is over priced now and I don't think those values will hold up 10 years from now, at the minimum most likely no growth in value. If you put any $$ into upgrading interior, you could end up losing money. Some of the newer ones we looked at were $700-$750k without the lower level finished ... pretty crazy.

Nothing too drastic for projects. My brother and I did finish the oak skirts for the stairs going to the basement and the caps for the half walls at the bottom of the stairs last week it was a little money invested but dang it sure looks nicer now.
Building new and hopefully on ground my mother currently owns. We will see if I am her favorite son!:emoji_grinning: Doing most of the construction myself with the help of my brothers who have both been in the building business for the last 20 years.
I would find out who your target market is, and stage for them. Hopefully buyers in your area are young families or DINKs who are looking to start a family.
Lol, thanks for the encouraging words guys. I'm hopeful for a sale in weeks, not months. :)

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Hey Chris
Been reading up on apple varieties and got me wondering how you been! You get your house sold?
Yes actually I did get it sold. Could have sold it without a realtor if I had known who the interested buyer was before signing with the realtor. Sold within 2 weeks of listing it with a realtor. Actually have had a busy fall and winter. Made the move to just outside of Topeka KS for personal reasons. The future is looking bright and big plans for the future! Bigger and better nursery in the works and still maintaining my tree plots in Nebraska.
Yes actually I did get it sold. Could have sold it without a realtor if I had known who the interested buyer was before signing with the realtor. Sold within 2 weeks of listing it with a realtor. Actually have had a busy fall and winter. Made the move to just outside of Topeka KS for personal reasons. The future is looking bright and big plans for the future! Bigger and better nursery in the works and still maintaining my tree plots in Nebraska.
Great news Chris! That was quick! Congrats!
You in the suburbs or outskirts? Advanatages to both! I’m trying to convince the wife to move to the farm but not sure it’s the right move. We are gonna pray about it through the winter an make a decision this spring.
Keep us posted on your nursery progress!
You still doing taxidermy as well?
Keep in touch! Love to see guys making things happen! Again congrats and good luck with your future plans!
Yes actually I did get it sold. Could have sold it without a realtor if I had known who the interested buyer was before signing with the realtor. Sold within 2 weeks of listing it with a realtor. Actually have had a busy fall and winter. Made the move to just outside of Topeka KS for personal reasons. The future is looking bright and big plans for the future! Bigger and better nursery in the works and still maintaining my tree plots in Nebraska.
Your in KS now? Awesome, that puts me just that much closer to good trees to buy. Too bad for you though, the deer hunting sucks. Congats!

I'm still sitting on my houses. Absolutely no market here. I'm watching places that are pretty nice at almost give-me prices sit for the the better part of a year now.
We live in the suburbs so to speak. Actually a small group of houses around Perry Lake. I have access to 60 acres of good ground for a nursery now and it also has a steel building that I have now finished the back 12 x 30 for a taxidermy shop. Wish I had known I was making the move back when I ordered root stock last spring. Would like to be able to get a bigger start than I will likely this spring. Still doing the taxidermy work, mostly work for my long time customers back in NE. I will work on building a bit of clientele here as well, but in all honesty I would really like to focus on getting the nursery up to the size I have always wanted. Lots of nice looking ground for deer hunting around here, both public and private. Didnt want to fork over the money for a non resident tag this fall as my time was limited..... looking forward to next fall though!
I'm late to the discussion but for others that haven't sold yet.... We sold our house just over a year ago. My wife was a realtor for 15 years so we had an insiders help. As stated above, get rid of EVERYTHING you can get rid of. People want to see your house not your stuff.

One of the biggest things we did was hire a professional house cleaner. They did the roof, the siding and windows. I was impressed. The roof had the gray lines all over it, gone. Gutters, soffit and facia (white) were all full of mold and crud, gone. The 15 year old house looked 10 years younger when they were done. And the process involved zero pressure so nothing was damaged. No doubt that was the best $700 we spent getting the house ready for market.

I see houses listed now with lines on the roof and dirty siding. I think to myself "if they only knew".

I intend to have the new house cleaned when it needs it. Worth the $$ IMHO.
