First time apple tree grafting with some questions.

I may get 10 out of 30 assuming no more patients die in the critical care dept. I think a lot is due to rootstock dying. I did all apples on 2 different roots. Had 3 scions grafted from GRIN that were all fruit buds so no chance with those either
Well my grafts have went from me having growth on 20 of the 25 grafted scions to 12 that are making it and it looks like one of the 12 shit the bed here so down to 11. I think one problem I created was by knocking off growth from the rootstocks below the graft union and maybe I should have let that buck.

Here is the remaining dead scions/rootstocks that I’m going to try and keep going for next year If that’s even a thing or possibility, not sure what to do with the rootstocks in the winter

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Most of my grafts looked really good in the basement and through the hardening off process but when the weather finally cooperated to plant out in the garden things transitioned about a week later to 80s and very dry. Even with regular watering, I think the heat was too much for some of them. I’ll have to count to see what actual numbers are.
Any idea what’s going on here guys?

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Most of mine were doing great until I left the cage open that surrounds them and a deer walked in and had a nice little snack. : /