First fawn of 2015

I forget, was last year an early rut?
I just did a quick count back 200 days from May 23 and that would be November 4 2014. The fawn doesn't look that old, maybe a few days old?
Looks like some prime wolf food in my area.
First fawn pic this year too........

Had the first fawn pic last year a couple days earlier.....

Nature is amazing. They look so frail.

In a matter of a couple weeks, amazing how agile they become.
Looks like some prime wolf food in my area.

Prime yote food in my area.

Nature is amazing. They look so frail.

In a matter of a couple weeks, amazing how agile they become.

I hope that fawn can make it past these two goofs! Same cam but I moved it to the big white oak on right of pic when the fawn pic was taken.

Prime yote food in my area.

I hope that fawn can make it past these two goofs! Same cam but I moved it to the big white oak on right of pic when the fawn pic was taken.

I wish this forum had a dislike button. :mad: Bastards.
I wish this forum had a dislike button. :mad: Bastards.

I had another name for them that I wanted to post but used goofs instead:) I literally have 100's of trailcam pics and vids of yotes in the past year or so. It is getting ridiculous. I'm going to try to thin a few out this year with cable restraints.
Still waiting for my first fawn sighting.
Down this far south. .it will be 2 months before I see fawns.
Got this one on a cam about a 1/2 mile from where I got the other pic. Don't know if it is the same doe and fawn. No twins on cam yet. Went through all my vids and it looks like I have a doe here that is very pregnant as of yesterday.

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