First day jitters


A good 3 year old buck
So I dropped my kid off for his first solo hunt. Felt like dropping him off for kindergarten all over again. Sitting back in the house pacing waiting for sunset to go get him.
How did the first solo hunt go?
He saw 7 and got busted by an 8 pointer. He was pretty wide eyed walking out of the woods and had a great first sit. Dad sat over a new pond we dug this spring and with the hot weather it was a great place to be. Shot a doe after a whopping 35 minute sit. The only problem with early season success is you have to cut them up immediately.
He was pretty wide eyed walking out of the woods

With some of the noises out there sometimes I'm pretty wide eyed walking out of the woods. Sounds like he had a good day
Sounds like a great hunt for your crew!