First Bluebirds of the Year

I call them bluebird boxes and build to their specs. but don’t care what uses them be it swallows, wrens, or the occasional flying squirrel.
Funny you should mention flying squirrels. I cleaned out a box two years ago and there were about 30 acorns in the box along with nesting material. This past year I noticed that the entrance hole had been enlarged. I took the front off to clean out the box and to replace the front piece. I started pulling pine straw out and then noticed I was face to face with a flying squirrel. We stared at each other for a few moments before he jumped out of the box, ran up the 4x4, and flew into a nearby oak tree.
Great point! Blue birds seem to get all the attention and I love them also but tree swallows are native species and should be given the chance to share the habitat along with blue birds.

Lots of folks get upset if tree swallows move into the blue bird houses.

I did a bit of research and decided to try this method. Put two boxes on the same pole. A nesting blue bird pair would not tolerate another nesting pair of blue birds that close in proximity and vice versus, but they will tolerate a different species. Over all I have had good results with this method as illustrated in this photo from my land. Both species were successful in raising fledgling's that season.

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Great bit of interesting info - and a great idea. Nice work.