Finally cut myself grafting


5 year old buck +
Field grafting and got a bit too careless. I guess I had to learn the lesson some day. But ouch. Healing rather slowly.20200508_200934.jpg20200512_113229.jpg
This was my 3rd year grafting and first year I didn't cut myself lol
Not the fun part of this adventure, for sure. Looks like you will pull through fine.
Badge of honor lol
Been there... - A little blood letting is good.
Keeps the herbivores away from fresh grafts if it smells like blood
Haha awesome. Quite the spot. You could get a job in the nail salon as a cuticle remover.
That looks painful, sorry about the blood loss. I have only grafted a few persimmon and pear and have always used a bark graft. Not sure how it compares to the other types of grafting options out there but I know it works for me. I will be grafting some apple and a lot more persimmon in the next couple of years. Not trying to be a smart a** as I realize that cuts are possible doing almost any type of grafting but just curious as to the type of grafting you were doing?
That looks painful, sorry about the blood loss. I have only grafted a few persimmon and pear and have always used a bark graft. Not sure how it compares to the other types of grafting options out there but I know it works for me. I will be grafting some apple and a lot more persimmon in the next couple of years. Not trying to be a smart a** as I realize that cuts are possible doing almost any type of grafting but just curious as to the type of grafting you were doing?

Whip and tongue field grafts on small rowan trees.