Favorite ladder stand

I looked at the millenniums and the rivers edge stands as well. None were in stock anyplace I looked. I snagged these 2 for $137 each. Only ones I was contemplating that were in stock. Shortly after I placed my order they changed to out of stock so hopefully I got the last 2 and I don’t get an email saying my order was canceled
I’ve had the big game 1.5 for two seasons now. You will like it.
There are several distinguishing characteristics that differentiate the Millennium from most stands. First is the height. There are lots of cheaper stands that are fine but many don't have the same height. I find height important for archery season when you need to get inside 30 yards for a high percentage shot. Most of the other stands that do have that height use a support bar between the middle of the ladder and the tree. This limits placement to trees that are quite straight. With the double ladder bar stiffness of the Millennium, you have more flexibility in placement. I've seen other stands that are as comfortable as the Millennium, but none that are more comfortable and stable.

The big downside is the weight and cost. If you move stands regularly, the weight can be a limiting factor.

Having said that, I've tried a number of tall stands that are less expensive. One was a Muddy Odyssey XLT with tree Lok. The tree Lok was of no value to me because of how I erect stands, but it didn't hurt anything. It has a lot of movement and play and is not nearly as stable as the Millennium. The worst thing is the seat back. While the seat is just as comfortable for me, the seat back is so straight up and down that my back can't take it for long. I'm much better off with a seat back that has a slight recline.

Another tall stand I tried was the Muddy Stronghold 1.5. While much more huntable for me than the Odyssey, it does not have the stability or weight of the Millennium.


I bought a River's Edge Uppercut 21' ladder stand 4 years ago and have since bought 5 more. Love them. They are well built and well designed. Comfortable as all heck. I'm 6'2" and I could lounge in the thing all day. The seat and seat back are made of a strong mesh fabric which doesn't hold moisture and dries quickly. The ladder has a 3rd rail in the middle of the rungs that makes the thing stable and strong and quiet. They are heavy, and getting them up can be a chore...I do it by myself with a snatch block and using the winch on my ATV. Really happy with this stand. I think River's Edge replaced this model with a newer version...but I still find them and buy them at places like Amazon and Sierra Trading under the Uppercut name for $199 on sale. A little above your price point....but IMHO....worth every penny.

Good luck with your search.

Two years and a lot of use later I thought I'd add this update to my initial comment.

These River's Edge Uppercuts (there's a new model that replaced it) are still by far the most comfortable stand I have ever sat in. The mesh seats have not degraded or ripped or broken in any way. Once in the stand they are extremely quiet and trouble free. I had to replace some rubber washers on the seat hinge of one of my stands to quiet it down when flipping it up and down.

Here's one thing I do not like. The design of the ladder sections and the way they fit together allows for some play between the sections and they do make some noise when entering or exiting the stand. They creak and snap and pop a bit...too much for my liking. I bought some after market bolts and tried to tighten them up last summer. It worked a little. I think this summer I am going to take them down and try using some spray foam in between the sections to reduce the metal on metal contact that's causing the noise.

So...once in the stand....super quiet and comfy. Getting into it and out of it...not so great.
Love the comments and reviews everyone is giving. If these stands arrive I know they will be a huge upgrade from my other small cheap ladder stand with the small seat, small foot area, and foam pad. Maybe I’ll squirrel away some money over the winter and order up a millennium when stores get them back in stock. Can never have too many comfortable stands to choose from.
Although I like the Rivers Edge and Millenniums I only buy the X-Stands now. I put up ladderstands by myself so locking to a tree then adding the ratchets at the top is a whole lot safer. Plus they are lighter in weight. Don't go cheap when falling 16' is possible. And use fall restraint for your family's sake. And yes noisy stands in cold are out. Just as well set off a cannon.
I have a Muddy 2 person ladder stand. it's comfortable but over that price point. I think I paid $250 for it. That's just a rifle season stand though. Use various lock ons the rest of the year. All metal seats with thin pads. One of my best ideas recently was buying a car seat cushion off of amazon that is supposed to relieve pressure on your spine. I just clip it to my backpack and haul it around with me. Makes those metal seats much more bearable.

Also lifelines in every stand is a must. Had a friend fall a few years back when the ladder broke off from being left out for years on end. Luckily only shattered his ankle. Now lifelines in every stand and all stands come down every year and get checked out.
Although I like the Rivers Edge and Millenniums I only buy the X-Stands now. I put up ladderstands by myself so locking to a tree then adding the ratchets at the top is a whole lot safer. Plus they are lighter in weight. Don't go cheap when falling 16' is possible. And use fall restraint for your family's sake. And yes noisy stands in cold are out. Just as well set off a cannon.

the new rivers edge lockdown locks to the tree from the ground now. Granted it takes some head scratching to figure out the Locking mechanism but it’s secure before you go up it.

Having said that you’re not putting one up alone, to heavy.

just as comfortable and tall as the mellennium but just as pricey.

someone on Amazon has 4 in stock as of today.
There are several distinguishing characteristics that differentiate the Millennium from most stands. First is the height. There are lots of cheaper stands that are fine but many don't have the same height. I find height important for archery season when you need to get inside 30 yards for a high percentage shot. Most of the other stands that do have that height use a support bar between the middle of the ladder and the tree. This limits placement to trees that are quite straight. With the double ladder bar stiffness of the Millennium, you have more flexibility in placement. I've seen other stands that are as comfortable as the Millennium, but none that are more comfortable and stable.

The big downside is the weight and cost. If you move stands regularly, the weight can be a limiting factor.

Having said that, I've tried a number of tall stands that are less expensive. One was a Muddy Odyssey XLT with tree Lok. The tree Lok was of no value to me because of how I erect stands, but it didn't hurt anything. It has a lot of movement and play and is not nearly as stable as the Millennium. The worst thing is the seat back. While the seat is just as comfortable for me, the seat back is so straight up and down that my back can't take it for long. I'm much better off with a seat back that has a slight recline.

Another tall stand I tried was the Muddy Stronghold 1.5. While much more huntable for me than the Odyssey, it does not have the stability or weight of the Millennium.



One more thing I'll add about the three stands I tried recently discussed in this post, assembly issues. Putting the seat together for both of the Muddy stands was problematic. It took a lot to stretch the material out during assembly. The Millennium on the other hand was very quick to assemble and the seat comes assembled. I'll have to take a look at a rivers edge if I can find one in a local store.


I'll put another vote for rivers edge. I started out with 4 of them. I liked the large platform that allows me to move around easily for a shot on either side of the tree. My son just started hunting so I had to look into getting 2 mans. I received a big game as a gift, it is a along terrible stand. Last year bought the muddy 2 man, better than big game but not happy with it. My friend bought the rivers edge lockdown, I kicking my self for not sticking with the rivers edge. The lock down is a far better stand for about 10 bucks more.
I finally got around to buying a couple ladder stands. Tough to find them still in stock right now. If my order goes through I have 2 of the Big Game Hunter HD 1.5 coming my way.

You’ll like those. It’s like sitting in a lounge chair. Really nice to take a nap in.
I will add to Jack's comment regarding seat assembly: I purchased two of the Rivers Edge Bowman Pro stands this year. The stands are great, but seat assembly, like other stands with the exception of Millennium, requires stretching the fabric, a bit of pounding with a soft mallet, and is generally a PITA. The upside is that theoretically you should be able to purchase a replacement for less than the cost of the Millennium seat, which requires replacing the seat fabric and rivets to the tune of $40 compared to $16 for the Bowman Pro seat fabric.
I will add to Jack's comment regarding seat assembly: I purchased two of the Rivers Edge Bowman Pro stands this year. The stands are great, but seat assembly, like other stands with the exception of Millennium, requires stretching the fabric, a bit of pounding with a soft mallet, and is generally a PITA. The upside is that theoretically you should be able to purchase a replacement for less than the cost of the Millennium seat, which requires replacing the seat fabric and rivets to the tune of $40 compared to $16 for the Bowman Pro seat fabric.

My Millennium's have been out for about 6 years now, and I've seen absolutely zero wear with the seats. I'm guessing the trees they are tied to will die before the seats need replaced. :emoji_smile:
The stands came yesterday. I noticed one of the boxes had a nice sized hole/rip in it from shipping. Hopefully nothing fell out during its journey to my house.
My Millennium's have been out for about 6 years now, and I've seen absolutely zero wear with the seats. I'm guessing the trees they are tied to will die before the seats need replaced. :emoji_smile:
Unfortunately, a squirrel had something to say about that for one of mine lol.
Unfortunately, a squirrel had something to say about that for one of mine lol.
I was worried about that with my Muddy but so far so good. I wish they would make the seats removable for that reason. Mine folds up too. I've wondered whether I should leave it down in the winter. I thought it might be a cozy place for a nest with the seats folded up.
If someone had a place that you could pick up stands that already assembled, and charge a bit extra, they would make a fortune.
I was worried about that with my Muddy but so far so good. I wish they would make the seats removable for that reason. Mine folds up too. I've wondered whether I should leave it down in the winter. I thought it might be a cozy place for a nest with the seats folded up.

I'm not sure about a nest, but I found out that gypsy moths love folded up seats. We've had a horrible outbreak in Western New York this year, and between trimming lanes in late August and the start of bow season in October, the gypsy moths cocooned and laid eggs. What a mess. Any seats that were folded on themselves were fully of gypsy moth goo. It's going to be a horror show next year, for sure. I know some places this year where the gypsy moth feces was falling out of the trees like rain, and the oaks never produced because they got hit so hard
If someone had a place that you could pick up stands that already assembled, and charge a bit extra, they would make a fortune.
I think the closest thing to that would be a family traditions tree stand.
I'm not sure about a nest, but I found out that gypsy moths love folded up seats. We've had a horrible outbreak in Western New York this year, and between trimming lanes in late August and the start of bow season in October, the gypsy moths cocooned and laid eggs. What a mess. Any seats that were folded on themselves were fully of gypsy moth goo. It's going to be a horror show next year, for sure. I know some places this year where the gypsy moth feces was falling out of the trees like rain, and the oaks never produced because they got hit so hard

The gypsy moths hit central PA hard back when I lived up there. Entire oak ridges wee bare. The turned the deer poop purple!

When gypsy moths his VA, I did gypsy moth egg mast counts that they used to track the infestation and decided when/where to spray. Non-native invasives can really be problematic. Eventually they found a wasp that preys on them.