I purchased 10 dunstans 2 years ago from Forrest Keeling, they were 5' tall at planting. I gave my son 2, which did not make it, 1 of the eight leafed out but did not make it, the rest show green with fingernail scratch test. I also planted 23 started from seed last year, squirrels got 5. Plan on receiving 25 persimmon from the same place, 18 grafted, 7 probably males. The persimmon that are grafted are $23.65 each, the non grafted are$11.25 The dunstans were $11.25 each, this did not include shipping. You can get approx 50 trees on a pallet, not sure if charges are per pallet. Being 69 years old, can not wait for seedlings to produce. At this time I have more money than time. I have started 54 dco's with another 36 to go. I may have more than I need. They are in 18 cell express cells.