Fast producing nut tree?


5 year old buck +
Has anyone had success with a fast producing nut tree (under 10 years) for zone 3 or 4? I would love to try chestnuts but looks risky at best for zone 4.
how large a tree are you willing to plant? you could try a couple large, and several small ones that would catch up later after the big ones establish their role.
how large a tree are you willing to plant? you could try a couple large, and several small ones that would catch up later after the big ones establish their role.
I planted 9, 10+ year old burr oak last year but even those I am looking at another 10 years. I am hoping someone in 3 or 4 has had success pushing the chestnut envelope. image.jpg
I'll check my Dunstans this weekend but, they are slow to leaf out. Last year was in May. I'm thinking I might get some calkins this year. This was there 3rd winter and will be the true test.

The seedlings I kept at home appear to have over wintered.
Thanks, 3 years would be very promising.
I purchased 10 dunstans 2 years ago from Forrest Keeling, they were 5' tall at planting. I gave my son 2, which did not make it, 1 of the eight leafed out but did not make it, the rest show green with fingernail scratch test. I also planted 23 started from seed last year, squirrels got 5. Plan on receiving 25 persimmon from the same place, 18 grafted, 7 probably males. The persimmon that are grafted are $23.65 each, the non grafted are$11.25 The dunstans were $11.25 each, this did not include shipping. You can get approx 50 trees on a pallet, not sure if charges are per pallet. Being 69 years old, can not wait for seedlings to produce. At this time I have more money than time. I have started 54 dco's with another 36 to go. I may have more than I need. They are in 18 cell express cells.
Wildfire, I planter 10 DCOs at my place last year but I don't know if they made it yet. If they survived last winter there should be a good chance they will make it at my place. Where did you source your nuts? I purchased my seedlings from the aboretum in Nebraka.
Wildfire, I planter 10 DCOs at my place last year but I don't know if they made it yet. If they survived last winter there should be a good chance they will make it at my place. Where did you source your nuts? I purchased my seedlings from the aboretum in Nebraka.
I got mine from Blitz, on the other side.
I've got one dunstan planted up at the farm, will find out this spring if it made it through the winter. Squirrels got to all the others I was prepping to plant. I also have 5 from stu (that are looking incredible in my basement I might add) that I will try as well. I tried going with the Oikos Bebbs oak as well since I've read that they are a fast grower. It's worth a shot. I'd be interested if anybody knows of a precocious hard mast tree hardy enough to withstand our garbage winters.
Any nut producing tree , the nut should be removed before planting if started in rootmakers, learned the hard way.
The dcos started last year in 18 cell rm and transplanted in 1 gal rm, were dug in last fall in the pots, were deer candy. Will see if there is enough life in the roots to start again.
I am trying to get 4 month old Dunstans to produce nuts. They are 24"-36" right now. I made them go dormant with this extremely cold spring, all dropped their leaves. I am going to hit them with red lights to force flowering and ultimately nut production. I will post pics if I am successful.
That is correct. I have been successful getting 1 year olds to produce. This is My first time trying to get less than 1 year olds to produce.
A month ago the president of the New York chapter called me and talked for an hour. We discussed a lot and gave them tips.
I bet the Syracuse U could make them produce in less time than I can with their equipment. I can't wait to go see their setup next month and learn more.
Sawtooth oaks are rated to zone you feel lucky?:)
I planted Sawtooths a week ago. If I had planted them last year they would've died from this winter.
I gotta get in touch with the GC I worked under last yer. They planted some funky oak at about 2 inch caliper and they leafed out, flowered, and set nuts. Kinda shaggy looking bark, I know a lot of trees, but this oak threw me off, and can not remember the name. Of course this is in zone 7 and may be useless up north.
Brushpile I'm hopefull they will work but my place is in the west central area of the state i'm 2 zones from the most southern zone. I glanced at my seedlings last weekend but everything at my place is still dormant so it will be a few weeks before trees in my area start to break bud. I have my seedlings in tree tubes, do deer browse them at your place? How long do you protect your seedlings?
Both Bur and Chinkapin Oak are in the White Oak Family, so they produce sweet acorns. You can snack on Chinkapin acorns, so both rabbits and deer like the tree. Depending on your rabbit and deer population, they will need some degree of protection. The MDC is still shipping. The map I posted shows that they grow in MN, but the MDC Bur Oak produces a golf ball sized nut, that I've only seen in zone 5 and below. In MO the Bur Oak acorns drops about Halloween.

Chinkapin Oak acorns are sweet and small. They're the first to drop, and work well for bow season.