Farm auctions


5 year old buck +
herd seeder.jpg Gotta love farm auctions! Bought this today.
I love auctions! I just have to be careful or else I come home with more stuff then I need and an empty wallet.
I was at an auction a couple weeks ago, items were good, but the prices were on the high side for the new stuff, I'd rather buy it retail and get a warranty, and financing option.
Spreader looks really straight is it PTO of electric? You can find some great deals at Auctions and you can also watch people pay Retail for used. But it's always cheep entertainment. Brought my 7 and 10 year old to there first one a few weeks ago and they keep asking me what the auctioneer was saying. They both thought he keep saying Bananas banana. I did buy a 300 gallon plastic tank with aluminum frame (going to be used on a trailer to water my apple trees) for $65.00 not a scratch on the thing.
Its pto driven.
drop spreader.jpg drop spreader.jpg Here's another piece i picked up.

drop spreader.jpg
Great find bigmike. Most auctions around us aren't worth going to because folks get stupid and pay 90% of new retail for items that are half wore out or beat up. Once you pay that much and have to put money into the item, you have more in it than buying new. Idiots get caught up in the moment and don't use their heads.
I've been going with my dad and brothers since i was a child. Love to go. I have good memories
I used to like going all the time with my uncles who used to farm, but I got sick of going to an auction and wasting whole days just to watch folks pay next to retail for used goods. I still make it to the occasional auction, especially if it is during the week(not as many idiots in the crowd) and they have guns.
I walk through all the offerings and put in an absentee bid with the auctioneer and then leave and go about my business. You don't get caught up in the emotion and overbid and don't waste a whole day!
That's a great thought, I will have to inquire about doing that myself next time. Thanks, mike. The thing is most of our auctions want you to pay as soon as the auction ends or sooner, do they call you or something if you win?
Yes they call at the end of the auction. I go pay aand pick it up. I never leave anything overnight since some people think its okay to steal.
Yes they call at the end of the auction. I go pay aand pick it up. I never leave anything overnight since some people think its okay to steal.

Our local auction guys usually won't let you leave it overnight anyway unless it is a very large item like an implement or vehicle.
I'll have to try the absentee bid sometime. Auctions have never really been my thing. Going for one item in the line up and have to be there for 3 wagon loads of junk to be sold off. It took me 3 auctions before I was able to get my cultipacker.
I walk through all the offerings and put in an absentee bid with the auctioneer and then leave and go about my business. You don't get caught up in the emotion and overbid and don't waste a whole day!
That is the problem I have with auctions. Spend allot of time looking at sales I don't want or need. You have a good plan here.