Fall projects for ponds


5 year old buck +
Adding a few grass carp , coppernose blue gill this fall

Built a small deck for a new feeder

Adding more structure to create "edge"

What are the other pondmeisters up to?

Stocked 100, 5" - 6" rainbow trout a few weeks ago. If all goes according to plan they should be pushing 16" by next June.
When I add structure I alternate sunken cedars with large diameter open center log piles. Smaller fish like the security of the cedars, big fish like the larger structure and positioning next to food.

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Watching water slowly going up in new pond and will be planting 30 5’-6’ black spruce on spoil pile next week for aesthetics/road screen/wind block.

Sprayed a bunch of small volunteer willows and cotton wood with Crossbow around wetland ponds high water line a couple weeks ago to stop their progression.
I’ve got one old pond I need to knock a hole in the dam of and let it drain fully so I can get in it with the crawler next summer and remove all the pond sludge not sure I will get to that project this winter or not. I’ve been trying to wrangle up old bale rings to basically use as exclusion cages to keep cattle away from some Nuttall and Pin oaks I’m planning on planting along the banks of several of the ponds next spring for wildlife. Three of the ponds will have no cattle for the foreseeable future so they may even get some Japanese Millet planted along the banks next spring.
If you need something like bale rings might check with a local fiber optic company to see if they have square tubed inner duct reels. I give ours away all the time.
If you need something like bale rings might check with a local fiber optic company to see if they have square tubed inner duct reels. I give ours away all the time.
Fit in the back of a truck, or need a trailer?

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Trailer for the large ones we use at work. They would take some modifications but that’s not a bad idea.