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F. Querina and fruit size observations


5 year old buck +
I wondered how many people are growing Florina Querina and how you are liking the tree so far. I planted a couple because Ben or Maya recommended it. I will say, so far, I'm impressed with this variety. Before I started spraying, it was one of my cleanest trees. Now that we spray 3 or 4 times a year, the apples are flawless. Supposedly, they hang very late. We had our first one last year, and it was pretty tasty. Crisp and sweet, a touch or tartness, and mellow but fairly deep flavor. This was the first year I was expecting a real crop (M7, 5th leaf), as it had a huge amount of fruit buds on it last winter. For the second year in a row we had a late May frost that zapped most of the crop. Here is a picture of one from a week ago. As you can see, the apples are pretty large, which I believe is related to the sparsity of the crop. Of interest to me is how much larger the apples on the lower scaffolds are. I guess maybe they have easier access to water/nutrients, but I've never noticed that before with apples.
I'll be grafting some next year! :)
I believe I read on one of the nursery sites that F. Querina is not a heavy bearer of fruit. Not 100% sure of that, but it sticks in the back of my mind. Maybe one of the other guys knows more on it's productivity.
My experience is that the Querinas are not huge apples. I have 3 trees that are loaded and I am looking to harvest when ready. I think a few weeks yet. Tasty Apple if I remember but didn't have any last year so I will need to be reminded. One tree is really straining under the weight of the fruit. Hope it doesn't snap in a few places like some of my trees did. I think number of fruit can change the size of apples. I have 3 Honeycrisps on B9 with only a few apples and the fruit are like grapefruits. Really huge compared to my other HC.
I have several 6th leaf Querinas on M111 rootstock that have been bearing fruit for a couple of years now. I have found the trees to be annual bearers with the fruit being average in size. I had hoped that my Querinas would hold their apples until late winter but have found them to drop most of their fruit by early December, about the same as my Liberties and Freedoms.
I have several 6th leaf Querinas on M111 rootstock that have been bearing fruit for a couple of years now. I have found the trees to be annual bearers with the fruit being average in size. I had hoped that my Querinas would hold their apples until late winter but have found them to drop most of their fruit by early December, about the same as my Liberties and Freedoms.

Great info. I figured they would hold longer, but I have quite a few Galarinas for this purpose. How are the Freedoms for human consumption?
Great info. I figured they would hold longer, but I have quite a few Galarinas for this purpose. How are the Freedoms for human consumption?
Freedoms are great especially for applesauce
I agree with Paul, Freedoms are a good general purpose apple, quite large, great for apple sauce, a little soft for pies. For me, Liberties are better for pies.
I grafted 5 Florina in 2014, they are by far the most vigorous growers in my Nursery.
That pretty much makes me think mine is a poor graft or on a weaker rootstock. I remember Ben stating his were very vigorous as well.
Like everything I grow, mine are b118. Scions were from a crazy retired guy in PA with an apple addiction.

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Like everything I grow, mine are b118. Scions were from a crazy retired guy in PA with an apple addiction.

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Hey I think I know that guy but I heard he is only grafting 10 trees this year so he can concentrate on what he has in the ground already haha