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Extreme allergies, what helps your situation?


5 year old buck +
I was out two days this week working the ground, and am just about incapacitated, between the russina olive, multifora rose, grass pollen, i'm a mess. throat feels like pollen is germinating in it, eyes look like ai spent three days at a Bob Marley concert, in snoop dog's box, skin is sensitive to all knids of plants, nettles welting up to half inch thick itch....... yeah, sure picked a great fiedl to work and play in. I have tried all the new ones that come out, claritan was ok, zyrtech was ok, now using xyzal, not worth the label it is printed on. had to go to the ole backup last night and tok three benadryl, which knocked me out and just working my way through first half of a pot of coffee. thinking it might be time for shots? how often do you go, what exactly do they give you? I wanted to hit the fields today, need to cut some russian olive but afraid it will sideline me for a week. any luck using masks? I hate the way they constrict your breathing but desperate to be able to go out and do what I need to get done.
Ha, sounds like great seats.

Try the new flonase, can get it off the shelf, the non alcohol one so there is no burn. Found that if I can keep my airways open prior to collapsing. Then it tends to keep most of the other symptoms away.

Went through the whole shot regimen for years when I was a kid.
I eat honey from my farm everyday. All allergies gone. Wont be an immediate cure . Takes some time to build immunity but worth it.
I have been getting a kenalog shot in the fall. Dr says that is dumb and next time to with oral steroids. I had it so bad a couple weeks ago my sinuses plugged my tear ducts. 120 mg of sudafed, Zyrtec, and a shot of Flonase for now. We missed a dose with my son 2 nights ago and he coughed so hard and long he puked on the floor.
Zyrtec pill. Cheap saline nose spray throughout the day. But he biggest thing that I’d recommend hands down is the Navage thing you see on tv. I was skeptical. I gave one a shot last year when I had a sinus infection I could not shake. Three days with no drugs and cleared up. I use it on bad days. If I used it daily I doubt I’d even need Zyrtec.
When I was a kid, I had to find my way to the bathroom in the dark, turn the hot water on, and put a towel over my head so the steam would help me peel my eyelids open. I ended up taking allergy shots until I was in college. Since then I've been able to control it with daily zyrtec and a cortizone nasal spray. If things get bad, lavaging my sinuses with saline helps.


I was out two days this week working the ground, and am just about incapacitated, between the russina olive, multifora rose, grass pollen, i'm a mess. throat feels like pollen is germinating in it, eyes look like ai spent three days at a Bob Marley concert, in snoop dog's box, skin is sensitive to all knids of plants, nettles welting up to half inch thick itch....... yeah, sure picked a great fiedl to work and play in. I have tried all the new ones that come out, claritan was ok, zyrtech was ok, now using xyzal, not worth the label it is printed on. had to go to the ole backup last night and tok three benadryl, which knocked me out and just working my way through first half of a pot of coffee. thinking it might be time for shots? how often do you go, what exactly do they give you? I wanted to hit the fields today, need to cut some russian olive but afraid it will sideline me for a week. any luck using masks? I hate the way they constrict your breathing but desperate to be able to go out and do what I need to get done.


I am like you times 2 or 3. For years and years and years I went with the antihistamines you mentioned and probably more. I use to start before allergy season started and it helped some. I would get so bad my eyes would swell shut and could not drive home from the farm. This year my doctor and wife (pharmacist) convinced me to get away from the antihistamines and go with decongestants. I take one Sudafed in the morning unless I feel something coming on or am at the farm several days in a row. Then I take two morning and early evening. I think regular dose is 2 every size hours. So I am still below the normal dose which I want to be because it can raise your blood pressure. Next, I use Flonase morning and evening one squirt each nostril. Finally, I use Zadator in my eyes about three times a day which is a little more than recommended. It has almost eliminated all of my symptoms. It keeps my sinus cavities open and makes life this time of year enjoyable. I will not say that it eliminated 100 percent of the symptoms, but it did certainly eliminate 90 percent. Good luck and give it a try.

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Flonase with an otc 24 hr equate. Works like a dream but I cannot miss more than a day or I am paying for it for a week!
Chemicals are bandages, temporary relief ... Sinus Nasal Flush in a remedy. As stated above, start buying locally produced honey ... enjoy it in coffee, tea, bagels, muffins, oatmeal, etc.
I've been using a couple teaspoons of honey in my coffee. How much do you think is needed every day to help?
Honey is a wives tale
I've been using a couple teaspoons of honey in my coffee. How much do you think is needed every day to help?
I believe the key to be using raw honey from your locale. Couple teaspoons daily is enough though it is a long term remedy. I use honey in the morning as well as after lunch in tea. Also helpful to look at the totality of diet. Dairy products frequently exacerbate allergy symptoms . Key is to be aware of how diet effects physiology.Having paid close attention to diet over the years I have eliminated all allergic symptoms.
It's scary to me how the incidence of adult-onset allergies has increased over the years. I grew up allergy-free, but these days my immune system reacts to just about everything, it seems. We had four dogs in the house at once as a kid, now my eyes swell shut if I pet our lab and rub them without washing my hands. I had an issue with tree pollen for ~10 years, but it seems to have diminished the past few. And so on and so on.

My lab studies how our innate immune system responds and adapts to environmental stress, and what I see scares me. There's so much we don't know about how our bodies are controlled, and then we go mucking about with synthetic chemicals thinking that we can predict side-effects of being exposed to things that aren't found in nature- when we're still clueless about fundamental response mechanisms. For example, check out "epigenetics": fifteen years ago, people laughed at the thought of stress responses that could persist over generations. Now, it's its own field. It's crazy to think that what you did as a kid could screw with your grandkid's health. Or that a stupid water bottle you drink out of in the field could impact the ability of your children to have kids of their own. It's the stuff you don't know about that gets you...
^^^^^^ Science …………………….. Sounds like fake news and a hoax to me. :emoji_nerd:
Ive had HORRIBLE allergies for about 30 years. Im allergic to everything outside. Tree pollen, mold, dust, grass pollens, Ragweed, basically anything that grows. I did the shots for over 5 years and ive taken every pill, eye drop, and nasal spray they have. Obviously some days or weeks are much worse than others depending on the bloom. Ive found when its bad, theres no stopping it. The eye drops give me some relief in my eyes but no pill or spray seems to do anything for the sneezing and runny nose. I hear about the honey and i guess I need to eat more of it. Ive also heard of "essential oils" working great for some people. Ive started using them this week so ill let you know if it helps me at the end of the summer. Im hesitant to think it will... I dont see how smearing peppermint and lavender (or whatever) on my face is going to cure allergies, but its worth a try.

I know how you feel man! I wouldnt wish it on anyone! Only 5 more months till fall!
I've had allergies to varying degrees over the years. My symptoms used to be uncontrollable sneezing...hundreds of time per day was physically exhausting. I grew out of that but now my symptom is a dry cough. Zyrtec helps, but Flonase helps more. I started weekly allergy injections, but it's too early to say if it's working.
The thing that's really helped me a lot is wearing a respirator. I just bought a 3M brand and I really like it...hate having to wear it but it really helps. This mask is comfortable and the airflow is is very good. It's not like wearing a paper mask where it seems like I'm breathing the same air over and over. Yeah, I don't like having to wear a respirator, but it's better than allergy symptoms. I've noticed that when I'm working outside and I begin coughing from allergies, if I put the respirator on, the cough goes away almost instantly.
Been on Zyrtec and Claritin D and something else that was also really expensive and stopped working from them. Zyrtec every day with my other meds, and I still had super itchy watery eyes and also would end up looking like I had pink eye from time to time from rubbing due to our cats. Developed skin tags on my eye lids from rubbing them. Went to finally see the ENT guy about it and he prescribed Flonase 2x a day in each nostril. I started out doing once along with my morning dose of everything else, and never needed one that night - never did take 2 a day. Been symptom free ever since.

Ok, so when the trees are screwing (like they are now) I do sneeze occasionally, but I can deal with that.

Nose spray. Who knew? :emoji_nerd:

Skin tags come off easy with sharp finger nail clippers. They heal up in a couple days without scars. Just make sure to disinfect them good before surgery. :emoji_wink:
I am doing better with alegra pill in the am, and a shot of flonase in each nostril. I gotta say I was scared first shot, had no idea it was going to smell like a boquet of flowers, thought that alone was going to make me sneeze my fool head off. My first reaction ws t blow my nose, but I thought that would defeat the purpose and I went about my day. For the most part It works great, I still get a few sneezes, but not near as bad or debilitating. Thanks again guys, seems to be the ticket.