Dwarf Essex rape. Plot input please.


5 year old buck +
So for those that have read other threads. I planted an old access trail section of the property. I used the mix pictured below. It germinated within 3 days and we have had excellent rainfall ever since. Sun is currently my limiting factor. When using other varities of turnips I typically would have more growth. However this is the first year planting anything on my new property. Soil tested and amended as recommended. It was seeded one month ago and the brassicas have only reached 6-8” in some spots. It almost seems like I have some yellowing taking place. Now I didn’t expect good results for year one and my goal was to simply get something growing period to start fixing the soil. So I’ve ruled out rainfall as the issue. Temps here since then have had a few hot days. And a handful of mornings right at 50 degrees. I’ve had excellent results with this type of mix on other properties. Not sure if I should just basically accept a less then ideal plot this year or if I should be considering top dressing the trail with some form of fertilizer. Any thoughts? 4DED5E58-BEBB-4DF4-8BB6-483B9C576DD7.jpeg
Brassicas love nitrogen. If they are yellowing, give them a good dose of urea 46-0-0 right before a rain or some 34-0-0 would be great as well. 100 to 150 lbs of nitrogen per acre is the going rate. How big is the plot so we can calculate the amounts? What was the amendments you added and when?
Plot is right at an acre. Amendment ms were added back in June. Exactly one ton of lime. And then 80 pounds of nitrogen and 80 pounds of potash
Sounds like you are missing some nutrient, probably N with the brassica. Like bbcoach said add 100# Urea before the next rain.
Lime hasn't completely done its job (will take 6-12 months but your PH should be ok since you only had to add a ton) When you said you added 80 lbs of nitrogen and 80 lbs of potash, what was the numbers on the bag and how many bags? If you added the nitrogen back in June and you just planted recently then the nitrogen is probably gone over the last 2 months. Potash should be fine, it doesn't leach out of the soil as fast. IMO 4 bags of urea 46-0-0, right before a good rain, will give you 92 lbs of nitrogen for the acre which should take care of the yellowing and get the growth back on track. (100-150 lbs of nitrogen for brassicas per acre) When doing amendments per soil tests, I recommend liming ASAP and holding your fertilize until planting.
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Forgive me if I mix this up but other then lime it was 35-0-0 and 0-0-60
You got it perfect but it was probably 34-0-0 which is ammonium nitrate and 0-0-60 is the potash. Like I said the nitrogen has been used up over the past 2 months if you added it in June. If you add 4 more bags of 34-0-0 you will add 68 lbs of nitrogen for the entire acre. That should eliminate the yellowing and get you through until your first frost. Next spring, when the ground thaws, do one more soil test and if your PH is around 6.5 you should be good for a couple of years PH wise. Just add the appropriate fertilizer for what you plant. Good luck!
Sun is currently my limiting factor.

I think you answered your own question. Photosynthesis requires ample sunshine. Then, and only then, will you need adequate amounts of nitrogen to facilitate growth.
Sun is currently my limiting factor.

I think you answered your own question. Photosynthesis requires ample sunshine. Then, and only then, will you need adequate amounts of nitrogen to facilitate growth.

As wildlife managers, we address carrying capacity by raising the shortest stave in the barrel. Sounds like you already identified it. Fertilizing without addressing the sunlight issue is throwing good money after bad at this point. Your production will always be limited by sunlight until you fix it.

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Got some fertilizer out yesterday ahead of the rain that’s gonna hit soon. This winter when season ends I’m gonna open up the canopy some more