We had great luck with the durana. This is the 4th year and it looks better each year. We have had to over seed a few places that we drive over, but it handles grazing pressure so well.
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NH how low did you mow that smartweed ?
Smartweed is a royal pain here , I sprayed 24db last week of May it was not very effective against the smartweed. It did set it back some but it's still green and growing. Not sure what to do about it at this point. Thinking I might mow it very short in a couple weeks and over seed winter rye heavy and try to smother it out with the rye.
Beautiful plot Steve. I'm a zone further south and I've only had it go dormant for short periods during particularly dry summers. Most years it doesn't go dormant for me in 7A either. I also like the persistence. It seems to give me a couple extra years before rotation is needed.