Dryer vents and wildlife....


5 year old buck +
In the time I have lived in my house, my dryer vent has been a magnet for wildlife: red squirrels, chipmunks, bees, a ferret .... and last night my wife calls me at work and says the dryer isn't drying the clothes, she's like " I've been down there 5 times and the clothes are still wet..." So scratch another task off today's list of taaaa-do's -- Well you know those commercials where your clothes come out smelling like a cute cuddly bear... Today there is one less baby bunny in the world... and I had to wonder if our load of towels will be bunny fluffy soft.

The goofy thing is there is a flapper and the thing is a foot or better off the ground... critters have to jump to get even close.... I wonder what will get in there next. Ps. the ferret survived the vent duct visit and now is someones pet - the rest sadly all perished, though none froze to death or starved.
Without knowing what your vent looks like it's tough to help. If it's a large single piece flapper/valve adding weight to the bottom part of it can help ensure it doesn't stay up for some reason. You could also consider adding metal window screen, chicken wire or even hardware cloth as a secondary "filter" as well. Lots of critters like to use the lint for nesting materials...... There are also different types of exterior vents as well that may or may not help with your issue.

The one I have is 4 or so little narrow horizontal flaps that open with the airflow and then close when the air flow stops. it would take a pretty small critter to get between the flaps....not saying it isn't possible, but it hasn't happened......yet. I will also say that a damaged lint trap will allow lots of lint into the exhaust vent and can create issues as well......so if for some reason yours is damaged you may help yourself by replacing it.
I made a little hardware cloth box that I put over mine.
That is odd. my septic system at the farm consists of a pipe that runs over the hill. At least you never had dead frogs in the toilet. :) I always put the lid down when I leave. Like you I can't figure out how they get in the pipe. It's 18 inches off the ground and only 4 inches in diameter.
I'd suggest building a cage to place over it big enough for flap to still over and work and have it so it can be lifted on or off, slide down into place like I am very rural here and have critters in yard all day and night, never had anything get in my dryer vent yet, but mine is 2 ft off the ground , I see bears sniffing it all the time when dryer is running, they seem to like the HOT air on the colder days, or dryer sheet smells
I like the screen idea; the louvered vents - back in college I worked for an appliance dealer doing installs, I just was never fond of the plastic flaps, it always seemed like one or more would stick closed or open... but they were likely good at keeping critters out. It was finding the baby bunny rabbit in the duct work behind the dryer in the basementg that killed me - a bunny. Its summer time, the opening is better than a foot off the ground 18-20 inches. I almost thought maybe someone stuffed it into it but that would take some effort and why? The ferret now that was a cool find - dead bunny not so much - just a strange deal