Dormant Oil “basics”

James P. Bipps

5 year old buck +
I have never sprayed dormant oil on my apple trees. I do spray Captan and Imidan. Most of our snow has melted and I was finally able to access them for pruning this week. It got me thinking about my next steps which are usually planting more trees and spraying. Can some one give me the basics of dormant oil spraying? Such as...
1). Is now the time to spray? Night time temps will be above freezing for at least the next week
2). Do you “time” this spray with something else such as first Imidan/Captan spray?
3). Do you use same sprayer?
4). Any recommended brands or places to purchase?
5). Is it a recommended practice or not necessarily?

Any other tips? Thank you..
Dormant oil is used to smother (kill) insect eggs which have overwintered on your trees. It should be applied above 40F and temperatures should be above freezing until it dries off. You can use the same sprayer as and insecticide sprayer. Although, I wouldn't use a sprayer that has been used for Roundup or other herbicide.