Does this look like the same deer?


This is last year. Antlers have a pretty sharp 90 degree bend. End of the beams curve up. Right side G2 curves hard forward. 8 point. Lots of distance between G3 and the end of the beam.image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg

Next post this year and the ?
This year 9 point. Hard 90, tips curve up. Distance between G3 and tip. One side has a small G4. That checks

The G2 doesn't curve forward as much but it's evident.

It's not one I can conclusively say they are the same but I'm questioning it.


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It very well could be. What has me questioning it though is the g3 on the right side. Last year that seemed like his “weakest” characteristic and this year it’s clearly on par if not better than the other side. I would think maybe it would atleast still be a little shorter. It could just be an age thing though as well. If it isn’t the same deer, they do look like they share some similar genes.
The G2 from the first buck really curves over and you don’t see that this year. Could be the same deer but I don’t think so.
Maybe..... I see similar antler traits between them, but I see enough differences that it's difficult to be certain. The other thing is the second deer pics are at a far greater it may be more difficult to see as much of the details we can see of the first deer. My gut tells me they are different deer....but it's certainly possible that they are and wouldn't argue one way or the other.
If your area is anything like mine it is very hard to tell. We have had plenty of bucks harvested over the years only to have one pop up a year or two later that looks exactly like past harvested deer.
Kinda where I am, could be but not a 100% certain. I guess I'm leaning no.

We do have similar traits reappear year after year.
I say no.
I say no.
Yeah I'm kinda there now too. Got more pics of him tonight and it's similar but just not a real match.

I was hopeful because I shot the deer from last year twice and he lived.

Grasping at straws I guess.