Dirt Around Camp


A good 3 year old buck

I have a camp in the woods down at our property. It is a couple Shed\Cabins and a nice fire pit and wood shed. All around camp it is mostly just dirt from clearing out the woods. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas on what I could plant around the fire pit and around camp that can take some high traffic and help keep the dust\dirt\mud down. I guess Rye grass would be what I am thinking would work best. Any other ideas?
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Based on your pic- will you get enough sunlight for grass to grow? Depending on just how big the area is - I would look into putting down some sort of gravel or other material in the high traffic areas. I have seen things like mulch and chewed up rubber tires and other things used depending on availability of the material and the price. Also consider other issues you may have with bugs (chiggers) and the like with grass or vegetative cover on top of having to mow it.
I agree, sunlight definitely looks to be a limiting factor. Straw may work. Think petting zoo, pumpkin patches, etc... They use it to cover mud on walkways.
I agree. I think if you cut down 2/3 of the trees around camp you would have a fighting chance to have grass survive around there, but you need quite a bit of sun to grow a thick layer of grass that can handle traffic. If cutting down trees isn't possible, then I would add some gravel in the high traffic areas.

That's a cool looking camp.
Yeh I was trying to not go the gravel route, as it tends get in the camps. I have been thinning this a little each year and there is beginning to be enough sunlight. I had thought about it bringing in more bugs, but as it is the Black Flies are horrible in the dirt. I'm in Western New York so the only other bug I would have to worry about is mosquitos, and I spray for them anyways. As far as mowing, I was thinking I could do it quick enough. I guess I was looking for some LOW growing weed or something that could survive. You know the silver bullet. Ha. Moss would be great, but I do not know how to grow moss.
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Consider crushed granite if you can get it in your area. It is "chips" of granite. Packs hard as concrete over time and won't track in on your shoes like gravel.

Just a thought.

On the Turf Management side here are my grass recommendations:

Red Creeping Fescue (Cool Season), Velvet Bent Grass (Cool Season) or Zoysia (Warm Season, will brown quickly in Fall)

The fastest and easiest would be Perennial Rye grass however it will need re-seeding each year.
you can also try and ground up road millings, they will be fine and pack super tight over time, some times can get for free, if you know the right folks!

that of unwashed gravel, NOTHING you will plant will work as you want, it will just build soil up and then when wet make MUD even faster!..

you can dig it down, and then add 2 B gravel and pack finer stones on top and that too will pack tight and last a long time?/