Deodorize boots


I need some help deodorizing a pair of boots. I found a pair of like new Meindl Comfort fit hikers cheap on FB marketplace. They're like new but smell like they've been sitting in someone's basement or garage for a few years. What's the best way to remove the odor from them? I left them out in the sun on warm days, but it hasn't helped much. I do have access to an ozone generator, but wasn't sure if that would harm any of the components.
Can they go in the wash machine?
Then I'd either ozone it or febreeze and set outside longer. I also use dead downwind boot powder on the insides.
Baking soda, fill them full.

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An ozone maker in a tote works for me when I get into something weird at work.
I emailed them too. They responded quickly with the following.

Thank you for reaching out to Meindl USA, we appreciate your interest in our boots! We would recommend using warm water and soap to clean the boots up and that should help with the odor. We normally take out the insole and scrub both inside and outside of the boot. If that doesn't take care of the odor backing soda would be the next option. We wouldn't recommend the Ozone generator for any Meindl boots.
I emailed them too. They responded quickly with the following.

Thank you for reaching out to Meindl USA, we appreciate your interest in our boots! We would recommend using warm water and soap to clean the boots up and that should help with the odor. We normally take out the insole and scrub both inside and outside of the boot. If that doesn't take care of the odor backing soda would be the next option. We wouldn't recommend the Ozone generator for any Meindl boots.
The insole was going to be my first guess. Replace that maybe.
Just don't sniff the boots and you are good to go!

The boots I wear in our pigpen smell pretty bad, but leaving them on the porch to dry off in the fresh air and sunshine certainly helps.
All my shoes and boots stink. Oooof. I bought a bunch of those little socks of charcoal you stick inside when you're not wearing them. It seemed to be helping somewhat, but I'd always forget to put them in.
I thought for a moment that you bought my boots. Mine sure smell, but not like they were sitting in a basement!
Ozone degrades any rubber product. There are several products on the market for neutralizing the smell of a teenage athlete's gym bag. Some of those work very well! We used to make our youngest daughter leave her shoes on her feet from the ride home from the gym, you would start gagging otherwise.
If baking soda is off the table, look up chlorine dioxide.

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You could try throwing them in the freezer for a few days, in a bag of course. Should kill any bacteria that's causing stench.
Ozone them bad boys. I ozone everything I wear hunting. Lacrosse boots last 2 years before melting. Elastic waist bands last about a week. One shot of ozone won’t make them last 10 years but it shouldn’t melt them day one either.