Deer with small holes in it's skull??


I was just looking at the rack of the 10 pointer I found dead while shed hunting. I noticed several small holes in the top of its skull.

Is there a bug that could do this after death?

I don't think this would have lead to its death. I would think if the hide on his head wasn't affected no bacteria could get in there.

Anyone have any ideas??..

Post-mortem imo
What you have there is an attack by the single-fanged variety of El Chupacabra, very rare!
As a taxidermist I occasionally see that. That area of the skull is the thinnest on most deer, sometimes even a small hole like that.
I have seen similar holes on deer skulls...none quite as large as that one though...more like pin holes. Usually the abcesses coincide with the sutures, but they will also develop at or around where the pedicles meet the skull....which is usually the result of an injury from fighting or collision. I have quite a few sheds in my pile that have a big chunk of skull attached. Most of them still had puss (very funky smelling) on them when i found them... the results of the abcess.
Thanks for the replies. Even the chuppracabba one. :D

There's an on line article at QDMA that kinda does point me to Stu's suggestion. Said even tiny holes could have been caused by CAS.
As a taxidermist I occasionally see that. That area of the skull is the thinnest on most deer, sometimes even a small hole like that.

I know there are holes above the eye sockets but do you ever see a second hole like these above what's normal?


No cant say that I have. Or at least cant remember that I have!:)