Deer/Vehicle numbers 2013 - just some info


I saw this and thought it may be of interest to some. Many DNR's get pressured from the Insurance companies based on these figures. I wish I had year to year figures, but I don't have those yet.

deer accidents.jpg
Love to see an actual survey with one question on it. Did you personally hit a deer while driving in the last 12 months.
I have not hit a deer in 26 years of driving.... My wife has hit one in 26 years of driving.

My parents have not hit a deer in 45 years of driving. My wifes parents have never hit a deer in 45 years driving.
Both of my sisters and their husbands have never hit a deer..... on and on and on...
My house has 63 years of driving history with zero deer hit.

May be a good bit to pull at the public input meetings. Please grab a sheet of paper and jot down how many years you have been driving and how many deer you have hit.
Here is what I see as an insurance agent. 5-6 years ago, my clients would file about 20-30 deer hit claims per year. The last three years you could count them on one hand. If they reduced deer numbers to make insurance companies happy, I would think they have succeeded.
32 years of driving, no deer hits. Couple close calls.
I've hit one deer in 35yrs of driving and many close calls. I drive 80mi round trip to and from work so lots of miles driven yearly.
I just thought this could provide some information that we may not see on a regular basis.

I saw the MN number - you boy's must need cow catchers on the front of your vehicles! Maybe that's why your numbers are so low - your not shooting them - your running them over!
Keep in mind,,, look at the data source...

state farm claims that accidents are up 40+%, and the MN DPS data says they are down 40%....

One thing I could see,,,, maybe cost of repairs is up 40%..... Number of collisions is NOT up 40%.
State Farm data is BS. Look what Brush Creek posted above as well. He is in the business.....
I think that this could be valuable information to the DNR tracked on a county and metro area basis. A large % of the crashes in MN have to be within city limits of twin cities suburbs, Rochester, St. cloud and Duluth. If we could get the state farm data by county I would be surprised if that wasn't what is shown.

Also I am betting that in 2013 and 2014 spring crashes were way up for northern MN. A ton of deer were in the road ditches that were starting to clear when there was still snow in the woods.
In 41 years of driving I have hit 3. Last week almost hit one with the wife's new Terrain. We were coming back from her mothers and pulling into town. Speed limit was a 35 and one jumped out from the ditch & I nailed the brakes. The wife had just unbuckled her seat belt as we were just a few blocks from home. When I hit the brakes she did a nose dive into the dash. Funny now but not at the time. She asked how close was it to hitting her baby and I told her I saw it's ass pucker. Got home and looked at the front end and you could see where it's tail or belly had wiped the headlight lens clean. Couldn't tell you for sure what wiped the headlight lens cause it happened so damn fast.
So huge numbers of crashes in one or two areas thus requires a mass reduction state wide. yep - that makes sense - NOT! What gets me is the DNR should have access to the data (I would suspect it would be recorded in the accident report) and thus simply need to be searchable to look at specific areas and thus adjust management practices accordingly. Most insurance practices require a police report. It's there it's just they don't want to do the digging.
IL is using it county by county so I requested what their DNR presents to the public to share with our elected and our public from Kevin C.
IL is using it county by county so I requested what their DNR presents to the public to share with our elected and our public from Kevin C.

Don't think you will get that info anytime soon.
Don't think you will get that info anytime soon.

I assume Kevin already has it- Or am I missing something?
I assume Kevin already has it- Or am I missing something?

IL must be a lot nicer than our DNR. Would not think they would give that out so anyone could add more fuel to the fire up here!
I call BS on the graph. Wisconsin has 30,000 car hits and they rank 7th? Iowa has more per capita? Wisconsin does track it by county and Waupaca is always #1.

They probably use licensed drivers for the graph. I do believe that Wisconsin has a higher population than Iowa so that would translate into more licensed drivers in Wisconsin . Wisconsin may have had more deer collisions but with a higher amount of drivers would make the chance of hitting a deer less.
Something for you guys in Minnesota to think about. The total miles that drivers travel each year has gone up each year. Your DNR says that deer collisions are the same amount or steady than that means that by their own statistics the deer herd has gone down. More miles driven means more exposure to deer collisions. You should be able to get the miles driven per year from you State DOT. I would think that deer collison per miles driven would be a much better indicator as to deer population than just the amount of deer collisions.
According the MN DPS through 2011.... This was something I had found several months ago, but nothing with more recent years included.


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MN DPS car deer collisions is down 40% in MN since 2003... ?? I dont recall off hand since when, but I think it was 2003.