Deer Camp Menu Honorable Mentions

I’ve eaten a thousand mountain oysters in my day. I can bench press a Volkswagen and if I want my wife pregnant, all I gotta do is wink at her. You guys are missing out!

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I’ve eaten a thousand mountain oysters in my day. I can bench press a Volkswagen and if I want my wife pregnant, all I gotta do is wink at her. You guys are missing out!

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I was a Sous chef at the famous Harris Ranch Restaurant near Coalinga, California in the late 1970s. (A destination steak house with an airport catering to customers from LA and San Francisco). Mountain Oysters were one of the most popular appetizers on the menu. The number of folks asking if these were lake, river or salt water oysters would boggle your mind. Oh, the stories I could tell!

BTW, They were delicious. Folks always commented on the pleasant taste and texture.