Dead Deer in Pond and Killing Black Locust


5 year old buck +
While out checking on a few things on the farm, I noticed something floating in the pond from the other side. At first, I thought it was one of the cows. When I got closer, I realized it was a deer. I wasn't sure what may have killed this deer. Normally, I would think EHD would be during dry spells. It's been wet here though. Not sure what else may make a deer go to water and then die.

On another note, I have a ton of black locust invading the perimeter of the pond. I've tried to kill it for several years by cutting it about 18-24" and applying triclopyr (25% with diesel at 75%) conservatively on stumps since it's not supposed to be applied near water. The only thing that's done is create a bigger mess with root sprouts. I cut some huge black locust down in my yard and applied triclopyr on the stump and I'm just now starting to see the sprouts slow down after two years of mowing them. It seems to work for just about everything else I've tried it on though. Any suggestions on herbicide and timing for black locust near a pond?

Car hit I bet got in the water in an attempt to cool down and the wounds ended it there.
Try Milestone for the Black locust I’ve used it for honey locust control and I believe black is also listed on the label
I hadnt thought about a vehicle injury. Thay would make sense though.

I'll take a look at Milestone. I haven't had any issues killing honey locust with either triclopyr or glyphosate but black locust seems to shake off either from my experience.
I missed the part where your cutting the trees or sprouts for that I generally just use Tordon RTU but have had excellent control with hack and squirt of honey locust with 10% mix of Milestone and water.
After reading a bit about Milestone, I may try that with or without Garlon 4 that I have for basal bark treatment. I worry Tordon might not be a good option for using near a lake (I also worry about Garlon 4). I think I made the mistake of cut stump treatment. With black locust, I guess that might lead to root suckers no matter what is used. Thanks for the suggestion!
It could also be a fawning issue,animals can get just about every illness that humans can,I think it depends alot on what time of year you spray.I basal spray locust with remedy diesel mix in fall when pulling sap to roots.That tree is dead and no sprouts
The fawning issue was my first thought too. Yeah I think basal spraying is the way to go. Cut stump treatment works for just about everything else but black locust. I did it late summer and late winter with no luck on either. I'm going to try basal.
Crossbow herbicide will kill black locust of any size. I use around 8 ounces per gallon in hand sprayer. Mow then spray stubs, on bigger trees spray stumps, girdle big trees and spray the cut or drill a hole in tree and squirt in undiluted.
Crossbow herbicide will kill black locust of any size. I use around 8 ounces per gallon in hand sprayer. Mow then spray stubs, on bigger trees spray stumps, girdle big trees and spray the cut or drill a hole in tree and squirt in undiluted.
My concern with Crossbow, and perhaps to a lesser extent the Garlon 4 I have tried, is runoff or drift into the pond. I may be wrong, but I think Crossbow might pose a bigger. Neither are recommended for use near water though. The area I have to spray is surrounding a 2-acre pond that is where I take the kids fishing and we usually eat what we catch (also helps remove a pond that has high numbers). I was hoping to avoid a fish kill. Glyphosate I think would dissipate and pose litter or no risk but it won't kill locust (I've tried both stump and foliar spray).

Crossbow: This pesticide is toxic to fish and may be toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Drift or runoff may adversely affect fish and nontarget plants. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated areas. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters.
I wanted to provide an update on my problem with black locust. In the past I haven't had much issue with applying Glyphosate to most cut stumps. The only things I noticed bounced back from using Gly is black locust (honey locust was usually killed) and osage orange. I later tried cutting the black locust and applying triclophyr 4 (similar to Remedy or Garlon 4) to the cut stump. This was a terrible idea. The black locust resprouted and I had more stems. In fact, I cut a very large black locust in my yard, applied the tri-4 to the stump, and even tried to burn the stump several months later. I'm still finding root sprouts 3 years later despite regular mowing.

I came back this Summer and did a basal bark treatment using the same Tri-4 (25% Tri and 75% diesel). It killed about 75% the first time. It's very likely that I missed some stems with how hot it was when I sprayed as well as how thick and thorny the patch was to navigate. I have not seen any resprouting with that first patch after about 2 months. I just recently sprayed the remaining trees and expect a full kill. As well as it did on black locust, it does equally well on osage orange, multiflora rose, russian autumn olive, etc. as a basal bark treatment. It sounds like Milestone may be another option.

I'm not quite sure the best way to kill larger trees over 6". This past trip, I treated some larger trees pushing and surpassing 6" in a patch that wasn't far away. I don't anticipate it will kill the larger trees (the instructions state up to 6" diameter), but we'll see. I figured I'd update others in the event they have similar issues.
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Did you cut the stump again when you sprayed tordon the 2nd time?If not it doesn't do much unless fresh.I have never had them sprout after treating.I also use remedy and diesel to basal spray but 2-4-D and remedy mixed with water will also kill with basal spray
I wouldn't worry about it as long as it dries before a rain that might wash in pond.NRCS had me spray crossbow in my CRP wetland to kill cottonwoods
I've tried Gly at 20% to cut stumps in other areas. It generally does well with a number of species but not black locust.

Treatment 1 was cut stump and 25% Garlon 4 and 75% diesel. Treatment 2 was cut again the following year and the same mix. Always applied within 10 minutes or less of cutting. I've tried it enough to know that its worked 0% of the time on black locust cut stump regardless of season. Treatment 3 was basal bark using Garlon at the same rate. So far, that's been the only thing that's worked for me. I still need to make sure it doesn't sprout to confirm long term success. So far, so good.
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I have a bunch of black locust around my house. They are the absolute worst tree out there. The highway department cuts them down and treats the stump with something. Whatever they use doesn't work. Next year there are just as many if not more. What does work on bigger tress is double girdling them. This will slowly kill the whole tree including the roots. Unlike cutting and leaving a stump of you won't have sprouts comming from the roots.
I'll likely give that a try at some point on the bigger ones. If it doesn't resprout from the roots, that's the way to go. Otherwise it becomes an even bigger problem.
Basel bark treatment with 4 parts diesel and 1 part triclopyr 4e worked for me this summer. By recommendation from our local DNR forester.

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I did a lot of basal spraying with diesel/herbicide mix in mid winter last yr. They leaf'd out this spring but died after a couple of months. I was disappointed at first thinking my efforts didn't work, but patience paid off.