Daughter finished Hunter's Ed today - she is thrilled!


Well my youngest (10) has been on my butt ever since last year about when she could take her Hunter's Ed class. Indiana requires anyone born after a certain date to take a Hunter's Ed (basically hunting safety) class BEFORE they can legally hunt or purchase a license. This is my forth time thru this - I actually took the course myself the first time even though I am not required to do so, but it will help should I decide to hunt out of state.

She is thrilled - she got a good grade on the test and had a ball on the archery and firing range. She is already on me about shooting more and being ready for the youth deer hunt at the end of September.

emma HE.jpg

NASP archery shooting, .22 rifle shooting, 10 hours of instruction, and a 100 question final test.
The class was lead by local Conservation Officer and some volunteers. Class was 50/50 boys and girls which was very encouraging. I doubt they will see this post but a big thank you to Officer Hagerty, Rob, Tim & the Decatur County Conservation Club for donating the use of the building and lunch.
Congrats to your daughter.
Congrats to the young lady!!! Great Job!!! Proud papa as well!
Congratulations to you both. Another lifetime of enjoyment begins! That's fantastic. Nothing quite like hunting with your kids.
Congrats! Looks like she really enjoyed it!!
Congrats to you and your girl. Is see your girl got a 93 what was your score?
Congrats to you and your girl. Is see your girl got a 93 what was your score?
I didn't take it this time around. I took it when I took my oldest nearly 10 years ago - I couldn't tell you what I scored.
Congrats to your little hunter!
congrats! that is awesome! i can still remember taking the course 25 yrs ago! we were given wooden sillouhette/cut outs in the shape of a rifle and we had to walk around a course in the woods and execute shoot-dont shoot decisions and demonstrate proper fence and log crossing and other practical situations....plus all the other fun stuff like you mentioned.
Wanted to follow up on this as Emma has a new "buddy" in Alabama! A fellow QDMA member saw the post I made about my daughter and took it upon himself to be very generous. She just got it today and you can see below she loves it. I don't know Mark from Adam but he insisted on doing this. Mark makes these knives himself. Emma already has a letter in the mail to him - poor guy doesn't know what he is in for. I have no idea what is in the letter (wasn't any of my business). Just wanted to share the positive message.

Marks gift to Emma.jpg
that was awfully nice! I'm sure she's thrilled, congrats to her on the success, and good luck on future successes to both father and daughter
Really cool gesture by a fellow hunter!
that is outstanding! its good to hear these types of stories in today's world...kinda restores one's faith in humanity!
Congrats to your little girl! Great story.
Cool. It's nice to see someone giving.