crossbow windows


5 year old buck +
Designing a new shooter house to accommodate crossbow hunters; some want to hunt the early bow season with powerful, accurate weapon. I assume horizontal windows best, but what do I know?
What do you find to be best size and shape (length/width and height of opening) for safety and comfortable, accurate shooting. Would greatly appreciate all suggestions. What's good, bad, or dangerous. I gots no experience
Horizontal is best. I also like to not have the crossbow resting, or close to the window so the arms don’t have a chance at hitting the sides. I have seen some with an actual articulating arm the cross bow mounts to, and you can just slide the crossbow and arm from window to window. I don’t have that.
^^^^ I prefer horizontal windows also. The windows I put in my homemade stands are Deerview Windows. Lots of sizes and styles.

Horizontal windows minimum of 24" wide. 36" probably better. Have a stand a friend hunts out of with a crossbow on occasion.

That stand was built more with gun hunting in mind and has smaller 16" x 12" high windows on a few sides. Trying to save a few $$.

Well you can shoot a crossbow if you stick it out far enough but once the limbs move out during shooting can't bring it back into the blind! Buddy had to tie a rope to it and lower it to ground.