Crop Oil or Surfactant with Glyphosate


5 year old buck +
I'm planning to spray gly this weekend and may be contending with some pop up showers. I will be using AMS in my gly mix, but also wondering about adding some crop oil or non ionic surfactent. I have both.

1) Can I use this with Gly
2) will they help with rain resistance
3) which one- oil or surfactent
4) how much?

Thanks in advance for the help.
The vast majority of Gly I have used was a 41% concentration that already contains a surfactant. Are you sure your gly doesn't already include a surfactant?

General recommendations I've come across always recommend use of a surfactant with Gly. I cant help with crop oil vs NIS but would just add at the label recommended rate.
I've tried to determine if there some in it from the label but not sure what I am looking for. The brand I found this year was buccaneer plus 41% gly- and I think the plus might mean that it does have the surfactant in it, but I'm not sure how to be certain.
I've used dawn dish soap, but in all honesty, after 10 minutes the round up is in the roots and you don't have to worry about it getting washed off.
I have used Dawn dish soap as well, it worked good, but then again, so does spraying it on without it.
I usually add Dawn dish soap too, because SOME plants / weeds - like oxalis & wood sorrel - have a waxy cuticle / coating on them where the spray just beads up and rolls off. Dawn helps the chemical stick so it's absorbed. Some gly has surfactant, some doesn't. Check the label.
I just talked to the Manufacturer- Tenkoz- Buccaneer plus does come with a surfactant included, but they say adding more doesn't hurt.
For practical purposes mix your gly at the proper rates and spray away! A surfactant increases the odds of getting the kill you expected. Do all brands of over-the-counter gly contain surfactants? I bought some that did not. I bought it because it was cheap(er). My mistake. You know what they say about assumptions! I would assume if the gly you buy does not say it contains surfactant, personally I would add some at .25% to 1% of the finished volume. I could be wasting my money. But, I don't want to spray twice. Roll the dice?

Dish soap. Again, it probably works like a surfactant but its formulated to clean dishes and not to substitute as a surfactant. Long ago and far away advice was it could be a substitute, but dish soap formulations have changed and I read some can change the molecular structure of your herbicide leading to decreased performance. Your call.

Crop oil vs surfactants? I think there's still some scientific mystery here. Read your label and use whatever it recommends. The herbicide researchers have used both in trials and, if one helps the herbicide work better than the other that's what you'll see on the label. If no surfactant or crop oil is specified then neither provided any benefit. While I/we write as if these things are absolutes, they are not.

Again, I realize these are fine points only offered for consideration.
I think my primary curiosity here was whether or not using an oil/surfactant would improve rainfastness. I'm not sure if it will, but if it and the AMS improve uptake into the plant, that seems like it would still be of some gain even if it's not truly rainfast improvement.
Thanks to all for the help.
I usually add Dawn dish soap too, because SOME plants / weeds - like oxalis & wood sorrel - have a waxy cuticle / coating on them where the spray just beads up and rolls off. Dawn helps the chemical stick so it's absorbed. Some gly has surfactant, some doesn't. Check the label.
tractor supply product has the surfactant added

A couple weeks ago I sprayed gly (pre-blended with surfac) + AMS on weeds that still had a little morning dew and then a pop-up shower (maybe 0.1") showed up 30 minutes after i sprayed.. The grass is dead but the golden rod and trefoil persists.