Crazy Birds!


5 year old buck +
I was on the way to work and spotted a pair of gobblers walking along a chain link fence in an urban area about a mile from work. I pulled over to get a pic thinking they would get spooky and run or walk off fast...I pulled over and they ran right up to the car!



I've never seen wild turkey's act like that in all my life, I have seen them pretty stupid in early spring strutting close to vehicles and gobbling.
These acted like they wanted fed or a ride! I was tempted to open the door and give them a ride to the farm. I could have reached out and touched them.
Wish they would act like that for me in spring, they are ninjas then peeking out from behind trees acting all sneaky and running like they want nothing to do with me when all I want to do is invite them to supper.
I was on the way to work and spotted a pair of gobblers walking along a chain link fence in an urban area about a mile from work. I pulled over to get a pic thinking they would get spooky and run or walk off fast...I pulled over and they ran right up to the car!



I've never seen wild turkey's act like that in all my life, I have seen them pretty stupid in early spring strutting close to vehicles and gobbling.
These acted like they wanted fed or a ride! I was tempted to open the door and give them a ride to the farm. I could have reached out and touched them.
Wish they would act like that for me in spring, they are ninjas then peeking out from behind trees acting all sneaky and running like they want nothing to do with me when all I want to do is invite them to supper.
They peck the windows at my basement. They also sit on my porch railings.
Back in the 1990s when they 1st showed up around here, they would spook instantly if they saw us at the window moving inside the house. Now, they pay no attention to us even when we are outside in the yard.

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They do have bird brains...
They could be domestic birds. A neighbor once released some near our cabin, and they would eat out of my hand. They like shelled peanuts best.

If they're wild birds, then maybe they've become too urbanized.

My sister has several . They make great pets!!

I was on the way to work and spotted a pair of gobblers walking along a chain link fence in an urban area about a mile from work. I pulled over to get a pic thinking they would get spooky and run or walk off fast...I pulled over and they ran right up to the car!



I've never seen wild turkey's act like that in all my life, I have seen them pretty stupid in early spring strutting close to vehicles and gobbling.
These acted like they wanted fed or a ride! I was tempted to open the door and give them a ride to the farm. I could have reached out and touched them.
Wish they would act like that for me in spring, they are ninjas then peeking out from behind trees acting all sneaky and running like they want nothing to do with me when all I want to do is invite them to supper.
They peck the windows at my basement. They also sit on my porch railings.
Back in the 1990s when they 1st showed up around here, they would spook instantly if they saw us at the window moving inside the house. Now, they pay no attention to us even when we are outside in the yard.

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We see this at least a couple times per week.
20 years ago, our local flock was spooky as any birds, anywhere.
Now, they are a constant presence around the house.
About the only time that they are the least bit wary is a hen with poults. She doesn't even trust OTHER TURKEYS near her kids.
As I type this there is a hen an 10 poults lounging in the yard.

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That is awesome Tap!
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That is awesome Tap!
Haha, they often sit on that railing and preen themselves...totally relaxed with not a care in the world.

Sometimes hens will sit up there during mating season and watch toms strutting around and the other x-rated stuff sexually frustrated toms do. Its always a wildlife show in our yard. Its heaven here.

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Haha, they often sit on that railing and preen themselves...totally relaxed with not a care in the world.

Sometimes hens will sit up there during mating season and watch toms strutting around and the other x-rated stuff sexually frustrated toms do. Its always a wildlife show in our yard. Its heaven here.

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That is better than anything on TV, very interesting birds. They are homely and beautiful at the same time, their iridescent feathers are very neat. The wife and I still pick up every decent wing and tail feather we find when walking our property, I've got a bucket full of them.
One of these days I'm going to find someone to fletch some new Gold Tip hunting arrows for me from turkey wing feathers off a fresh spring gobbler that I shot off our farm, just think it would be a neat way to repurpose and make bow hunting there even more special.
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Had another 1st today with turkeys.
I was out in the yard today and I heard the sound of turkey wings beating as a bird took off. Its a daily sound we hear around the house but when we hear it at mid day like today it usually involves spooked birds.
Today was entirely different. I saw the turkey flying thru the woods 60 yards away but then I saw something else flying just ahead of it...a red tailed hawk.
I guess the hen was chasing the predator away from her poults.
We've all seen song birds chasing away hawks and crows but I've never seen a turkey do it.
Nature never ceases to surprise.
^^^it doesn’t matter what the momma is...don’t threaten it’s kids.!
Seems like everything want's to eat turkeys, so many times while out hunting in spring while calling I've had coyotes/fox/eagles/hawks all try to sneak in on my's a wonder they live long enough to make more turkeys.
They can be so quiet sneaking in on me in spring and then in fall while in a tree stand I can hear them coming from over a hundred yards away chirping purring and scratching never paying any attention to me until I move in the least little bit then they go on high alert stealth mode after one hen "putts" in alarm.