Crash Course on GRIN ordering?

I faxed a GRIN order in a couple days after the dead line and figured I'd be SOL but I just got notification that it shipped. Looks like I'll get to do some T-budding tomorrow!
I've poked around the various GRIN repositories. I am thinking about seeds for Viburnum and other native shrubs.
The seedbank and plant materials that GRIN has available is unbelievable. The list of NWSG varieties is huge, too bad you only get like 200 of each seed type. For shrubs and items like berries, it is a tremendous resource and has about anything you could possibly be looking for and they also have many local genotypes to choose from as well, so no one should have trouble finding something that will be suitable for their own area.
Got my order GRIN order today;
Grimes Golden
Granite Beauty

Black Oxford wasn't available
It's referenced in a couple books Apples of New England, and Apple of North America. I ordered 1 bud stick and they sent two let me know if you want to try some I have extra.
On the disease resistance, there is not that much information in the GRIN database for apples. Many have a rating for fireblight resistance of the shoots. Fewer have a rating for fireblight resistance of the blooms. You might get some other details in the written description but otherwise you are on your own to find it on the web. For the unusual stuff, it likely is not documented anywhere.
Here is my list for spring. Now I just have to beg/bug a few forum members for some of the SLN crabs, find someone with Snowsweet and I should be set.

Let me know how your Court Pendu Plat do. I've got some grafts from this spring that are 4'+. They're supposed to be slow growers

I've been struggling with that variety for some reason, not sure if it was just poor scions or what. I did have a tiny one i grafted last year, only was about 12" tall. It was in a poor spot in my garden (it was under a bunch of other huge trees) and I moved it in july to a better spot to get more sun. Then about 2 weeks later and I stepped on the damn thing while spraying or pulling weeds and it is toast now. So i'm back to the drawing board.
Remind me about the snowsweet when I am pruning.
I've poked around the various GRIN repositories. I am thinking about seeds for Viburnum and other native shrubs.

Do it! I got tons from them. I tried to keep them all from Michigan sources, but I got a few Viburnum from other places. I can spare a few seeds most likely.
I know people said they have NWSG. What about wildflower and forbs, do they have any of that stuff?
I can't really say for sure what types or how many species exactly because I wasn't really looking for those but they do have a tremendous amount of stuff that weren't trees. The list was quite overwhelming really. I would just suggest using the search function and plugging in the common name first, then search also for the scientific name as well, it sometimes turns up slightly different results. I searched for "switchgrass" first then "panicum virgatum".
These are selected as genetic material for breeding. Wild flowers and shrubs from around the world might be collected and maintained to support ornamental horticulture. They don't want to be an on going seed or scion supplier. They expect those getting material will propagate to meet their need rather than ask for the same thing every year. On the grain page I looked at, it says people that ask for the same thing year after year would get booted out.
Hopefully he finds something he can get going and takes some pics!
Are people putting in orders for spring '16 scions from GRIN now?

Yes, I did. I just put a note in my spring 2016 in the comments section.
Yes, I did. I just put a note in my spring 2016 in the comments section.

You can order Scion now? Good gravy! I gotta get ordering!
Nice, thanks Whip. I sent the info over to my retired father. He can sift through it and see if there is anything cool or rare. He's into propagation.
Just for curiosities sake, it would be interesting if you would post whatever list your dad comes up with so we can see what he is trying to get started.