Crabapple scionwood


Buck Fawn
Is to too late to find some crabapple scionwood ? All the websites I visit seem to be sold out. thanks for the help!
Too late in the year to be grafting, unless you're in the southern hemishere.
There is typically a scion exchange here in the winter. There is usually many willing participants and I bet you can find what you need, unless you're looking for large quantities.
There is typically a scion exchange here in the winter. There is usually many willing participants and I bet you can find what you need, unless you're looking for large quantities.
That’s really cool! Thanks for the heads up gunfun13
Also look into GRIN. You can search for details on this forum.
I've seen posts that there won't be GRIN apple scionwood next spring due to a fireblight outbreak at the Geneva, NY germplasm center. I haven't tried to confirm that.
I've seen posts that there won't be GRIN apple scionwood next spring due to a fireblight outbreak at the Geneva, NY germplasm center. I haven't tried to confirm that.
That is accurate.