coyote problems


5 year old buck +
How many coyotes do you see, look very close...Mon-coyote pic on pond.jpg
I see 7 but I suppose I could be missing one in the brush. That is a problem. I don’t see 7 all year running 4 cameras.
I would love to have that setup. Put out some dead animals on the ice and cover every trail in with snares. Id bet you would catch every yote on the property.
I see 8 unless that light spot in the weeds is another one.
Cool pic!
Yep there are 8 total
I see 8 clearly but if you strain and blow up the picture you can almost make out a ninth one in the top left corner heading towards the ice. It’s probably just a shadow.

Reminds me of an old joke my dad used to tell. Do you know how to kill a polar bear? You dig a hole in the ice and spread frozen peas around the opening. Then when a bear comes up to take a pea you shoot him in the ice hole.
Reminds me of an old joke my dad used to tell. Do you know how to kill a polar bear? You dig a hole in the ice and spread frozen peas around the opening. Then when a bear comes up to take a pea you shoot him in the ice hole.

Same thing works down here for black bears only we are a bit more sporting - we dig a hole and dump ashes into it.... bear comes to take a pea and we kick him in the ash hole.
Good gravy. That's trouble. You have a plan of attack?
Trouble or chao's. Yikes either way
That is a great pic. I can't see a pack that large sticking around for long, but I am no coyotye expert.
Find an old sheep, stake it out in the middle of the forest near a tub of Tannerite. Detonate the Tannerite when the pack gets on the old sheep.
I would bet it's a litter that is still together,the breeding will start soon and they will pair up,call them in and thin them out
Too dang many!