coupla bucks

Those are some great bucks. Did they just show up? It fascinates me when they just show up out of no where. I had a doe with twins show up this week and two great bucks for my area but not even close to yours. The apples have started to drop so I expect more to come and my plots are in great shape after not being touched all summer.

I have pics of a few bucks through the summer and had a pic of ONE deer with ten points on a few occasions. Most of the buck pics were spikers, forkies and such with a few better ones. These are the first pics I got with this many bucks at one time and so well developed.

We do seem to get a pic or two each year of one or two good bucks but don't seem to be able to tag the top 10% of the bucks.....and don't have a real bragging sized buck to show for our efforts....yet. I do seem to have a good buck to doe ratio, and we have held off shooting the smaller bucks for several years. Each year, almost magically, the bucks show up on camera in Sept or Oct. Maybe this year? ;)
We will have 4 or 5 hunters for opening weekend. Our group will all apply for a doe permit (but, we would not all shoot a doe). We likely would shoot two deer (does or small bucks) between us to make sausage, jerky, and steaks, etc. These deer are usually taken by those with less hunting experiences (grandsons and one son-in-law). But then we try to take the top 10% deer that the property has to offer. I don't know if that makes us "trophy hunters" .....but we just want a "good one". :)

I try to include my family members in making those choices.....and we have not yet talked about it (I kinda steer the outcome :D). But this way they get involved in managing my land and have a stake in what happens in the future. ;) They are learning. :D

That sounds like a good way to do it! We try to do something similar but this year there won't be any does shot. But we don't have anyone with less hunting experience currently so that will make it easier.

I will probably shoot any buck that is at least 8 points, or that bigger 6 point I have a picture of while I am bow hunting and they will be a trophy for me, I think that makes me a trophy hunter :). I will be more selective rifle hunting.

My personal rule currently is to shoot a buck bigger than I have shot before, and I have only shot yearling spikes and forks before ;).
I think we all need to set our own goals based on our abilities and well as what the deer quality and quantity can provide.

This year I'm hunting with a crossbow.....partly because the better deer seem to go nocturnal with the onset of gun hunting season. I still have not determined what kind of goal I have for my crossbow hunt......but I think I'm going after one of those bigger bucks - or nothin. Nice to sit in the woods in October. :)
I'd say that's good idea ;)

Personally, I'd like to follow the same rule. I fear if I do I may never shoot another buck though :eek:

If I followed that rule, I would probably never shoot another buck and probably would not have much if any venison to eat.
If all goes well, I'll shoot the big one this year and my rule will have to be revised in the future.

My wife is thinking she may have to bow hunt this year since only the new/young hunters can shoot does. She doesn't have confidence that I will get a deer and wants some venison!
I hear wife loves venison (now that she's had good product/properly prepared meat)...she wants some for next year. I tell her the chances of that happening are slim....makes for an unhappy wife :oops:

We can afford to eat beef/pork/chicken...and that's what we'll do...unless a buck worthy of a shoulder mount is foolish enough to give me a good shot. Zero does will be shot here

One half your family is coming around, Stu.:D

I really do not need another head mount, but I intend to eat venison every year if I can do so. Life is too short to not have quality venison!
I remain willing to forego short term gratification for long term satisfaction ;)
I've waited so many years, that I might not live long enough for the long term satisfaction.

For me the answer is somewhere between. More restraint on does and try to harvest our antlerless deer in areas with more deer.
I think I may become one of the guys who I used to think were nuts....those who refuse to shoot a doe, any doe, any year, anywhere. That is, unless I start hunting out of state somewhere.
We all change, don't we Stu.

Remember pass a young buck and shoot a doe instead?
Yup...and if I were hunting in WI that's exactly what I'd still be doing. I'll continue to pass on the young bucks, but may allow my stepdaughter to take one if she chooses.
Good for you, Stu! I hope she is successful.
Yup...and if I were hunting in WI that's exactly what I'd still be doing. I'll continue to pass on the young bucks, but may allow my stepdaughter to take one if she chooses.
There is hope for you yet! ;)
There is hope for you yet! ;)
Next thing, Stu will be wearing a purple hat instead of that green one!
The day you catch me wearing any Vikings gear is the day they send me to the hospital for a CT scan of my noggin :eek:

I thought there was some hope!
Hey Packer fans I got a joke for you.

Knock Knock.
Owen one, yeah. Thanks for ruining it, Stu.