Corn/Bean planter


5 year old buck +
I've been looking at getting one of these John Deere 71 style planters for awhile, I know Foggy has one and I was wondwring if anyone else does and how does it work for you? I've seen quite a few on Cl and this is one of the cheaper and best looking ones I've found. How do they do planting through mulch/thatch like rolled down rye? Not sure if I would use the corn plates but really looking at this for beans/peas. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a John Deere Flex 71. Super simple. Love it.

I wouldnt use it as a no-till type of planter to get through too much residue though.
I have a John Deere Flex 71. Super simple. Love it.

I wouldnt use it as a no-till type of planter to get through too much residue though.
So when you use your planter it's a pretty good prepped seed bed, not much mulch?
For sure not a compacted/rolled rye plot.

I dont need a 100% clean residue free plot. But there is a limit to how much you can have. Kind of hard to explain where the line is drawn.
I think the easy thing to say is that its not a no-till planter. You need to have prep work done for sure.
For sure not a compacted/rolled rye plot.

I dont need a 100% clean residue free plot. But there is a limit to how much you can have. Kind of hard to explain where the line is drawn.
I think the easy thing to say is that its not a no-till planter. You need to have prep work done for sure.
I have one and I think this was the 6th year of using it. I have everything tilled when I plant with mine. Like blb said, you don't need a 100% clean plot when you plant, but a nice clean plot would be smooth planting. Sometimes I have issues with leftover cornstalks that haven't been chopped/tilled. They jam up in front of the disc opener and the planter pushes the clump in front of the disc opener and leaves a furrow, doesn't happen very often though. That is one of the better priced 71's I have seen and it looks like it is in good shape.
Approximately how many seeds per acre or lbs are you guys planting. I used one bag on 1.5 acres broadcasting. by the time the birds ate some, lost some simply because I broadcasted, and the deer eating stalks it left me with a thin, but worth keeping stand. Does 10 lbs per acre sound right in a planter? I think that's what I read somewhere? Or 1 bag to 2.5 acres?
Approximately how many seeds per acre or lbs are you guys planting. I used one bag on 1.5 acres broadcasting. by the time the birds ate some, lost some simply because I broadcasted, and the deer eating stalks it left me with a thin, but worth keeping stand. Does 10 lbs per acre sound right in a planter? I think that's what I read somewhere? Or 1 bag to 2.5 acres?

Corn, most guys plant 25,000-32,000 seeds per acre. We sell corn seed from 34lb bags up to 53lb bags. You can go lbs per acre, but you need to know how many seeds per pound, per bag in what you purchase each year!
If I buy a planter next year, I'll come up and buy my corn from you. Hopefully you can get me on the right track. I too am thinking of buying a 71 model planter
If I buy a planter next year, I'll come up and buy my corn from you. Hopefully you can get me on the right track. I too am thinking of buying a 71 model planter

You don't have to buy from me. But that type of planter has plates, make sure you get as many "B" plates as possible with it. They cover a lot of seed sizes.
You don't have to buy from me. But that type of planter has plates, make sure you get as many "B" plates as possible with it. They cover a lot of seed sizes.
I do work up at the Kanabec county jail a few times a year. You can't be too far from there? What planter do you recommend? I had a 4 row Cyclo planter 800. Sat outside, and gave me problems. Never did plant with it. I want to hook up and go as I don't have as much time to sit around fixing old junk anymore.