Cool Season Grasses down?


Buck Fawn
Went out to my 60 acre property in Central Wisconsin for the first time this year, as I've been living out of the country for the past year. I've got mostly pretty low land, and a few spots with reed canary. I was surprised to see the reed canary only about 3 feet high and very few seed heads. Years past the RC was well over my head. Went back to my parents house and noticed the area along the lakeshore was more weeds and less grass than normal.

Is this an abnormally poor year for cool season grasses? I thought it was a cool spring, wouldn't this be good for the grasses?
The field that the RCG is next to didn't get planted because it was so wet, so that is most likely the cause. I've walked through it in past years when it was 8' tall and I was still ankle deep in water so I didn't think that had much effect, but maybe this year the water was that much worse than normal.