Concordia Oak Acorns


5 year old buck +
I should have a bunch this fall to share if anyone wants some. Hit me up in mid September when I’m back from the elk hunt.


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How old is that tree?


I would be interested. For the Iowa farm. Where can a guy get seedlings?
I would be interested. For the Iowa farm. Where can a guy get seedlings?

Check with the MDC nursery when they open up for orders. I’m not sure exactly when they will be accepting the orders this fall for spring delivery.

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How old is that tree?



I wish I could remember...since photobucket crapped out on me I lost all my documentation. I’d guess 8-10 years old now and it’s been producing for a few years already. The oldest trees I have were planted in 2009.

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Check with the MDC nursery when they open up for orders. I’m not sure exactly when they will be accepting the orders this fall for spring delivery.

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Usually midnight sept 1!!!

I'd like to load up on Swamp White Oak, Red Oak, and some hybrids in Iowa starting this spring. We have several acres of former pasture/grass that is too steep to farm or for plots, perfect area.