Compound Bow Evaluation Sites?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Looking for any sites that are reliable evaluators of compound bows, not sponsored advertisement sites.
Huntersfriend does evaluations and ratings.
Haven't been on there in a few years but they seemed ok.
Podium Archer on You Tube does a lot of reviews-unbiased.
Most of the major manufacturers make great bows. Go to a local bow shop and shoot them all. One will feel more comfortable than the others. Start with that one and ask questions from there. You will need a relationship with the shop as you will need help tuning and other fixes down the road.

I went into a bow shop once to buy a Hoyt and walked out with a Mathews (Didn’t like the feel of the back wall)…next time I went in to get a Mathews and walked out with a Hoyt. is where I’d start - I think.