Cob Corn Storage.


5 year old buck +
I grew up on a farm with a corn crib. We stored cob corn in it for the pigs. So I understand corn cribs in general.

I am going to have about 10 acres of corn left over (my estimate) by the time late February rolls around. In the past I have just left many acres standing through the winter and let the deer have it. If there was any left in the deer corn plots, I mowed it early enough to rot and avoid volunteer corn.

This year I bought a picker and I want to pick that 10 acres and store it for next year. Do you do that and what is the easiest design to store corn and have access. I have one friend that built a crib. It is on a concrete slab. It has wood or metal up about 4 feet on the bottom and then above that is just wire like any other crib. It has a roof obviously. He made a door wide enough that he can drive his 50-55 hp utility tractor in and get a load of corn and put it in a pickup or where it is needed. As it stands, I am going to build something like that ...... unless you have a better idea.

I wanted to build and store it on the south end of the farm but decided against it for now .... no electricity there and the grain elevator runs off electricity if I want to fill crib from wagon to elevator to crib.

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Most of the ones saw on uncles's farms where round wire type. Like this pic off Craigslist. Make a trip to Antigo WI and can be yours.....maybe search your local area
Round crib.jpg
I always thought those things were enclosures for raptors
Yea, that is what we had too. I would really like to avoid the grain elevator and if possible. I like the idea of being able to go in and get a bucket load when needed which isn’t practical with this type.

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Ok, check out North Dakota NDSU site. Have seen shed plans and all sorts of stuff they saved from days gone by.

Edit: See they have all sorts of crib plans over the years. The one below is dated from 1933


  • NDSU crib plan.pdf
    273.9 KB · Views: 11
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Ok, check out North Dakota NDSU site. Have seen shed plans and all sorts of stuff they saved from days gone by.

Edit: See they have all sorts of crib plans over the years. The one below is dated from 1933

Thanks. I may look at a lot of those buildings. Those plans may be a little elaborate for what I need, but dang that is a great resource. Had no idea.

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Oh yeah lots of stuff in there to search for. Thought this was a hoot. Those farmer types musta been nervous back in the sixties


  • 5957.pdf
    323.3 KB · Views: 17