Clover provides nitrogen, but too mch can cause issues. Here in NY without herbicide maintenance, you get about 304 years before its a weedy mess. However, some weeds can not be a bad thing. I have alot of plantain in my backyard plot. I tried to shoot a picture of it i late october last year. Deer nibbled every one of them to the ground.
Fall grains can help use up some of that excess nitrogen, as well as some brassicas in the fall. Some folks here spray a light dose of gly in the spring to take out some of the clover's competition. Clethodim can be used if you have grass issues in there. 2,4db can fight most broadleaf weeds. Don't assume your trouble plants. ID them well. Things that clethodim don't do anything to look like grass.
Monthly or so mowing can be hepful. If you se certain annual weeds in early seed production, mowing at the right time can eliminate most of the seeds it produces. Spraying is better though.
Pure stand of clover for a long period of time, durana is good. Dutch white can be another good one, but is very competitive. It'll drown out brassicas and grains in the fall. medium red and ladino clovers can live well with other plants.
We get to do out habitat work when we can. I have been doing the graisn n clover rortation. I have skipped years without any major negative effects. Just have a clover and weed plot.
I have a happy balance between golden rod and clover. The golden rod grows in the summer, then dies off in the early fall and clover takes over. I am on the begining of year 3 in that plot. I am on a hunting club lease, so most members don't even think it's a food plot......... When the apples trees starting growing next to it, they might catch on.