Clover mix


5 year old buck +
I bought a bunch of clover sees with plans to plant it this year on trails and in a few woods plots. It's got white dutch, Ladino, fixation, and medium red. Should I plant now and let the reds get going, or should I give it until August and then plant? Northern Minnesota planting here. How about chicory and alfalfa? I'm leaning towards planting in fall, but if I wanted to get some radish and brassicas planted with it, I want to get it in earlier like next weekend since rain typically skips us in August

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Clovers do their best planted in the fall. They will get started and build a good root system in the fall and explode as soon as the weather starts to warm in the spring. Normally radishes and brassicas shouldn't be planted with clover. The reason is most people seed them too heavy and they shade out the clover. If this is your plan, then go really light with the brassicas now and top seed the clover in a couple of weeks. Save some of your clover mix and be ready to top seed any bare spots as soon as the weather breaks in spring. I've never tried alfalfa but chicory is a GREAT complement to clover. It won't shade out the clover and it will utilize the nitrogen that the clover produces. Good Luck.