Close call!


5 year old buck +
Was bunny hunting in the big orchard last week and on my second shot was waaaaay to close to a little Liberty I planted last didn't get hit.
I need to be more careful of my babies....I would have yelled at the boys for that!

Reminds me of a saying my grandfather used all the time, "Do as I SAY, and not as I DO"! Sometimes in the heat of the moment we tend to get a little too focused on our target.....especially on a moving one.
Great. Now along with a cage, weed mat, staples, pea gravel, aluminum screening, name tag and stake(s), I need to add "bullet proof vest" to my apple tree planting supply list.

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I definitely get to laser focused when I shoot....a few times over the years I haven't seen a branch in between me and deer I've been shooting at.

Left this one in tree to remind me NOT to be that way....of course I shot twice.. with same result you can see where second broad head buried lower right of that one, buck finally had enough and walked off. I didn't know what happened until I climbed out of tree. Yes...I'm a dumbass.

Any deer or rabbit standing on their hind feet and being vertically upright better fear for their lives !! You can sure "stack 'em up". ( Pellets and arrows ) At least your Liberty is safe !!

I have a broad head buried in a white birch in the mountains of Pa. too from 25 years ago. And this fall - my arrow glanced off a limb I should have cut off flush with the trunk, so the 8 pt. walked away safe. You have company that also kills wood.
Ha! I got the bunny he was zipping over the drift in back of the tree...the buck was ten feet behind and a couple feet to the right of that Hickory, lighted nock went flying and all I heard was a loud "CRACK" twice....I didn't know what the hell happened until I looked it all over and saw the thumb size branch I hit both times, the buck was right at twenty yards.

I'm a slow learner...did the exact same thing over at the other farm a year later!

I found a broad head when cleaning ashes out of my wood stove. Maybe that's not as rare as I thought
Gotta ask!! How did that happen?
Gotta ask!! How did that happen?

Sighting in a crossbow. I discovered that you could take some play out of the trigger pull if you squeezed the trigger before taking the safety off. Which is fine as long you don't get sequence wrong.:emoji_hushed:

I left it in the barn roof as a reminder.
The Arrow and the Song
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
Was bunny hunting in the big orchard last week and on my second shot was waaaaay to close to a little Liberty I planted last didn't get hit.
I need to be more careful of my babies....I would have yelled at the boys for that!


What are you shooting at rabbits, 2 shot? That looks like big shot!
We duck hunt a lot, I shoot em with whatever is in the truck. I actually like using bigger shot because it goes right through bunnies, saves on picking shot out of the meat.
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Sighting in a crossbow. I discovered that you could take some play out of the trigger pull if you squeezed the trigger before taking the safety off. Which is fine as long you don't get sequence wrong.:emoji_hushed:

I left it in the barn roof as a reminder.
I hope you caulked around it lol
Sighting in a crossbow. I discovered that you could take some play out of the trigger pull if you squeezed the trigger before taking the safety off. Which is fine as long you don't get sequence wrong.:emoji_hushed:

I left it in the barn roof as a reminder.
I hope you caulked around it lol

Yep, I am thinking that leaks lol

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Happened to me too. Took a young hunter turkey hunting who missed a nice tom and cut down one of my liberty's planted the previous spring.
I hit one w/ a golf ball years ago and it know has a nice bend in the leader. Great character!
Happened to me too. Took a young hunter turkey hunting who missed a nice tom and cut down one of my liberty's planted the previous spring.

I took an adult turkey hunting. We were set up in a 2 acre foodplot. It is about 50 yards wide. I had young apple trees planted right down the center of the plot each 27 feet apart. We had two gobblers coming and I whispered " it is okay to miss, but if you hit any apple tree your gun belongs to me"!

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