Close call,,,,, and then some....


5 year old buck +
Yesterday I sprayed all my corn and beans. After I was done I took the ATV out to go do a couple small things.
One thing was to change the angle on a trail cam because it was pointed too high when I had checked the cards from the day before. I came tooling up on the camera and stopped right next to a little package hidden in the weeds.... Never blinked or moved an ear. I backed off and took a few pics.

A couple minutes later I was headed over to check on some clover I planted this spring and was driving through the old farmyard(which hasnt been mowed this spring so grasses are a foot or so tall). I was clipping along at a good pace and turning hard to the left. Then I had that sick feeling. I felt the small bump and the bleat... I ran over a damn fawn laying in the edge of the old farmyard. Hours earlier dad and I were working within 20 ft of this spot filling the sprayer and such.

The good thing is that I hit it with my left tires, which had a lot less weight on them because I was turning hard left so most weight was transferred to the right side. The fawn immediately got up and ran(hobbled) off. Very young of course and I think the hobbling was more to do with weak legs than injury. Nothing was obviously busted up or looked concerning.

Needless to say, I put away all my stuff and left after that.

After that, I went to the farmers place that plants 10 acres of alfalfa on our land and asked that they dont cut it for a couple weeks due to what I just had happen.
They are ok with that.... he said he has run 3 fawns that he knows of through the chopper already this spring.... ugh....

Amazing any fawns are able to survive with all the obstacles they have to dodge.
Yea, where I hit it is a travel way/pseudo trail. So I really had my guard down.

Of all places.... we have 20+ acres of CRP grasses and it had to lay on my over grown trail. Argh.
Looking back on it, probably cuz mom is using the trails for paths of least resistance and the baby laid down there as they passed through.

When I sprayed I went through some tall grass areas to get to my fields... I shutter now that I wasnt more cautious about that.
I am done for a couple weeks out there after that.

I think all is well and lesson learned. That little guy will remember me when he is a booner and probably run my rear down as I am walking out to my stand in a few years.
I'm always amazed at how well they stay where they are told too.
I did a small amount of mowing yesterday, about 1/3 of an acre total and walked both areas slowly to make sure there weren't any fawns. Ended up with a few wood ticks doing that, but no fawns. Also took it pretty slow when driving around to check trail cameras.

My brother is chomping at the bit to start making hay, but hay isn't quite ready so thats a good thing.