Following with envy
@Catscratch, looks like a special place!
I feel like the building what you want on a piece of land dream is dead for me at current custom home prices. Seems like a one off build would be at least $500k more than finding an existing home. I haven't looked into possible savings for GC'ing it yourself though, wouldn't think it's nearly enough to overcome the big cost gap.
What was the change for you moving from your prior house to this place? Were you in a bigger town or similarly rural area? One of the main hiccups for us finding a place like that is the idea of moving away from family, friends, amenities that are nearer to the Twin Cities suburbs. I don't think it would bother me much but I feel like it would be a big ask of my wife to move further away from family and friends. She's a full time mom until our 2 girls under 2 get closer to school age and having other mom friends to interact with is important to her as she doesn't get time with adults at a job.