Can I get by planting cereal rye early as an early food source


5 year old buck +
West KY zone 7a- I have a large plot of buckwheat that it’s time to terminate. I am ultimately prepping this to be a warm season. Plot next year but want to get what benefits I can this year.

For a variety of reasons I am planning to put cereal rye as the winter crop. Could I get by planting it mid August? We have an early bow season here and I’d like to start getting deer pulled in.

I think I’m pushing it wirh early but I’d like a green up asap. I’ll have other plots around the farm for attraction later.
I think you can plant the cereal rye any time......but not sure if it will mature yet this fall in your location. After about 6 weeks it may start to get a bit tall and tough for deer to eat IMO......but re-reading your purpose....I suppose it's plausible. Maybe add a little crimson clover too?

Edit: Second thought.....why not plant Oats? (or wheat?). I think most deer would prefer oats over rye. The rye will go later into the season......but oats are good food.
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I am in Michigan and if I planted rye here in August it would get tall and stemmy by middle of September and the deer would quit using it. I plant like September 10th in the Upper peninsula of Michigan so that the rye is still young and tender by second week in November and the deer are still using it then. You are down in Kentucky so I would guess if you want the deer using the rye in November you probably would want to plant like first week in October?
Thanks All. I'm really wanting to bring the deer in for early bow season. I have other food plots that I'll be planting for the rest of the year.
What I am looking for in the rye- is a cheap, easy to grow crop in behind my buckwheat- it wont be my primary food source.
I have 3 acres of other plots that will be fully fertilized, planted at traditional times and consist of various mixes of oats/brassicas/clovers/peas. The 3 acres that would be going into the ceral rye are for food, but they are also as soil builder, weed suppression and cost control. But If I can use them in order to get some early season attraction and plant my other plots around labor day, that's what I'm looking to do.
Deer like WR that is
Thanks All. I'm really wanting to bring the deer in for early bow season. I have other food plots that I'll be planting for the rest of the year.
What I am looking for in the rye- is a cheap, easy to grow crop in behind my buckwheat- it wont be my primary food source.
I have 3 acres of other plots that will be fully fertilized, planted at traditional times and consist of various mixes of oats/brassicas/clovers/peas. The 3 acres that would be going into the ceral rye are for food, but they are also as soil builder, weed suppression and cost control. But If I can use them in order to get some early season attraction and plant my other plots around labor day, that's what I'm looking to do.

Keep in mind at this early of a time, in your zone, there may be plenty of other food options for the deer they may prefer over the WR. I have never planted WR as a single food source so not sure if the deer will respond to it.
To draw in deer I think oats would be a great idea. When I plant rye the deer only go to it after everything else is gone. Rye and oats maybe?
I like to use my summer crops for bow season draw. Honestly it’s my only option since bow season starts Oct 15 and I really can’t plant grains till then or later
I like to use my summer crops for bow season draw. Honestly it’s my only option since bow season starts Oct 15 and I really can’t plant grains till then or later
Agreed. Our season comes in on sept 7 this year, but since this is my first year rotating out of Ag, I don't have summer crops. I plan to next year, Im just trying to bridge that gap as cost effectively as possible this year.
Agreed. Our season comes in on sept 7 this year, but since this is my first year rotating out of Ag, I don't have summer crops. I plan to next year, Im just trying to bridge that gap as cost effectively as possible this year.
You can plant some oats or wheat late August. Then overseed wirh rye later in the season at the right time
I just seeded 3 plots with rye/clover in the last 2 days. I will get a couple more in this week weather permitting. I have a bunch of plots that have to be done so I have to start this early. I am on vacation one week mid August and head to elk camp in early September so I have had to work around that schedule the last few years. When I started planting those rye clover plots this early I was afraid they wouldn’t get much use in fall due to the rye having too much growth. Has not turned out to be the case, the deer are usually all over the plots for bow season. The young clover probably helps get them there but the deer definitely eat the rye while they are there. I would add a cheap clover and see how it works in your location.
West KY zone 7a- I have a large plot of buckwheat that it’s time to terminate. I am ultimately prepping this to be a warm season. Plot next year but want to get what benefits I can this year.

For a variety of reasons I am planning to put cereal rye as the winter crop. Could I get by planting it mid August? We have an early bow season here and I’d like to start getting deer pulled in.

I think I’m pushing it wirh early but I’d like a green up asap. I’ll have other plots around the farm for attraction later.

What are the competing food sources around you at that time? If you’re up against premium food sources, it’s probably not gonna draw deer.

You can still do rye, but crank it down to 25 lbs/ac and add in radishes and soybeans if u have stiff competition.

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I would plant radish. Radish tops are a great draw everywhere I've used them. Then go back in September and overseed with rye, if you like.
What are the competing food sources around you at that time? If you’re up against premium food sources, it’s probably not gonna draw deer.

You can still do rye, but crank it down to 25 lbs/ac and add in radishes and soybeans if u have stiff competition.

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I have some ag beans within 3/4 of a mile, but they are early beans and starting to turn By Sept they will be pretty yellow. My other competition is one or two other places that focus on hunting similar to me. That's why without me having a warm season food source this year, I am trying to get a jump
I'm in West central Kentucky and I plant oats/radish in mid August and have great success. Really good early bow season draw. Can come back later and overseed rye if you have gaps or want all winter food.