Camper or permanent building?

I did the camper route. I loved it but sure I would have preferred a permanent building. Camper was cheap easy and worked great for what it was. As Jack mentioned, the roof of a camper will require mainenance. You will have to recaulk (its actually not caulk but put on the same) the roof seems every five years or so but its not a difficult job at all.
Sounds like you'd be better off just building a garage. 4k isn't a good deal for that, even if exact size you want. After all- who else would want it? By the time you strip the roll roofing and frame in your desired changes, you could build your own in less time maybe. I'd start low balling....

If your thinking camper, why pour a slab for it?

I agree 110 percent. If you are only talking 16x24 build something of your own design that you can add to in the future, and get away from the 8 foot ceiling. Go 9 or 10 feet it does not add much expense and makes a room seem a lot larger. I really like the metal pole building style camps many have posted here. As for heat in the winter, if you don’t put dry wall up and use t-111 or a wood material for the inside, you can do the plumbing to drain all lines at a single spot, pour some antifreeze in the toilet and traps and leave the heat off in the winter. Much much much better idea to build what fits your needs and plan for additions than to pay 4K for what your friend does not want. Don’t take on his mistake.

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